bristle - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bristle in Hindi

  • बाल खड़े


  • बाल खड़े करना


  • कड़ा बाल
  • सूअर का बाल

bristle Definition


  • (of hair or fur) stand upright away from the skin, especially in anger or fear. ( (बालों या फर का) त्वचा से दूर, विशेष रूप से गुस्से या डर से दूर खड़े हों। )
  • be covered with or abundant in. ( के साथ कवर किया जा सकता है या प्रचुर मात्रा में। )


  • a short stiff hair, typically one of those on an animal's skin, a man's face, or a plant. ( एक छोटे कड़े बाल, आमतौर पर जानवरों की त्वचा पर एक, एक आदमी का चेहरा या एक पौधा। )

bristle Example

  • Apply the finish with a natural bristle brush in a steady and smooth manner. ( एक स्थिर और चिकनी तरीके से प्राकृतिक ब्रिसल ब्रश के साथ खत्म लागू करें। )
  • Start by using a soft boar's head brush or similar natural bristle brush on your hair. ( अपने बालों पर एक नरम सूअर का सिर ब्रश या इसी तरह के प्राकृतिक ब्रिसल ब्रश का उपयोग करके शुरू करें। )
  • For better results, use a natural bristle brush for more delicate items. ( बेहतर परिणामों के लिए, अधिक नाजुक वस्तुओं के लिए प्राकृतिक ब्रिसल ब्रश का उपयोग करें। )
  • the heads are made with natural bristle ( सिर प्राकृतिक बाल खड़े किए जाते हैं )

More Sentence

  • I turned into a tiger and roared, feeling the sinews under my skin tighten, and my adopted whiskers bristle .
  • Use a natural bristle brush, which works the stain into carvings and corners easier than a rag.
  • The full bristle - brush lifts the dirt in an upward motion to the surface.
  • The actors bristle at the notion that this sentiment will alienate a patriotic American audience.
  • Oil-base paints, enamels, varnishes, most stains and lacquers should be applied with a natural bristle brush.
  • The use of a high quality natural bristle brush is recommended to lay on a furniture finish.
  • When the candlesticks have cooled, use a bristle or foam brush to paint them.
  • Flip your head back up then smooth the top layer of your hair with a natural bristle brush.
  • The cleaning of the micro-mesh screen is aided by the inclusion of a nylon bristle brush.
  • Use a natural bristle brush and avoid stretching the hair when wet.
  • It is recommended that natural bristle brushes never be used with latex coatings.
  • In his experience the airwaves are bristling with talk of drug use.
  • Ambrose was bristling in anger at the doctor's comment, so for a moment he could say nothing.
  • Her lawyers bristled at suggestions there may be no other willing witnesses to bring.
  • I haven't shaved for the day, so short bristles of my beard pepper my chin.
  • The hairs on Rolando's neck bristled and he trembled with fear but continued to run after her.
  • The newspaper's office, a few kilometres away, is far from spiffy, even as it bristles with strategy ideas.
  • Her fur bristled in surprise, but she smiled at me when she turned.
  • Place the bristles of the toothbrush where the teeth and gums meet.
  • Patrick bristled at the words, but could find no hidden insult, nor could he think of an objection to the statement.
  • This fall's literary landscape fairly bristles with weirdness, perversion, and subversion.
  • He's positively bristling about the government's failure to react to the crisis.
  • Daniel bristled at the Captain's accusation, ‘What girl?’
  • They bristled with weapons and were covered from head to foot in thick armor.
  • Her fur bristled , Ki's bright orange eyes shot to the door.
  • Andrew bristled at being told what his subject was and wasn't going to do.