breadth - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of breadth in Hindi

  • चौड़ाई
  • विस्तार
  • व्यापक विस्तार

breadth Definition

  • the distance or measurement from side to side of something; width. ( किसी चीज़ की ओर से दूरी या माप; चौड़ाई। )

breadth Example

  • The rest of the part of the sleeves freely hung down to the floor in a triangle breadth of cloth. ( आस्तीन के बाकी हिस्से को स्वतंत्र रूप से कपड़े के त्रिकोण चौड़ाई में फर्श पर लटका दिया गया। )
  • His selections for the show, made over the course of five subsequent visits, reflect his excitement at the breadth of work being made in Cuba. ( शो के लिए उनके चयन, पांच बाद के दौरे के दौरान, क्यूबा में किए जा रहे काम की चौड़ाई पर उनकी उत्तेजना को दर्शाते हैं। )
  • The 250 objects on view play out the breadth of this coverage. ( दृश्य पर 250 ऑब्जेक्ट इस कवरेज की चौड़ाई को बजाते हैं। )
  • The adjacent low-lying ground, for half a mile in breadth , is a stagnant river, with melancholy trees for islands in it, and a surface punctured all over, all day long, with falling rain. ( आसन्न निम्न-भूमि, चौड़ाई में आधे मील तक, एक स्थिर नदी है, जिसमें द्वीपों के लिए उदासी के पेड़ हैं, और गिरने वाली बारिश के साथ पूरे दिन एक सतह पंचर होती है। )

More Sentence

  • To the left of the compartment was a gap of about eight inches in breadth and fourteen in length.
  • The breadth and range of organisations and industries represented here this evening illustrate that these standards can be applied in any business and used to engage the consumer and drive profits.
  • Let us imagine a land of two dimensions, having length and breadth but not height, called Flatland, represented by ABCD in Fig.1.
  • the minister is not noted for his breadth of vision
  • Daytona is mammoth, in breadth and length and height.
  • His depth of technique and breadth of experience make for an authoritative debut.
  • Not only did the 16 canvases vary greatly in size, but they also possessed a stylistic breadth that read like a concise history of the New York School.
  • The virtually inevitable downside of such a long-term focus is that it requires, to some extent, that we sacrifice depth for breadth .
  • Akan art includes a greater breadth of imagery than any other African sculptural form.
  • This includes art jewelry of unprecedented conceptual breadth and innovation.
  • To take advantage of all this breadth and depth, though, students need room to maneuver.
  • Essentially, this process results in a ‘one dimensional’ molecule having length but little breadth or width.
  • The rock itself is about 300 ft in breadth and the highest point is about 30 ft above the water.
  • The book reflects, in fact, Murray's own breadth of experience and the range of her social and spiritual vision.
  • Equality, breadth and extent of work done by individuals within their grade in respective fields varies enormously.
  • Nor, having only length, breadth , and thickness, can a cube have a real existence.
  • The trouble is that news agencies and many, if not most, of their operatives choose not to bring balance and breadth to their coverage of affairs.
  • These reveal the breadth of Woollaston's painterly qualities on a scale that does them justice.
  • It is about 5 inches in length and three and a half inches in breadth at the broadest part.
  • Atypical of one with his breadth of banking experience at senior levels, it seems he never properly assessed the risk involved and blindly jumped into a game way beyond his comprehension.
  • The temple had been built of beautifully carved flat stones, that were 9 feet in length and 3 feet in breadth .
  • They report greater breadth of experience through seeing a wider range of patients and the opportunity to learn from each other's specialist knowledge.
  • The stone is about twelve feet in height and four in breadth with the hole near the top.
  • His later paintings do not match the breadth and subtlety developed subsequently by van Goyen and Ruysdael.
  • The active cutter boy quickly steps to and fro, preparing another breadth of cloth for a similar operation.
  • They were also deeply impressed by the warmth and the hospitality of the Balinese, and the amazing breadth of artistic expression that pervaded daily life.