brandy - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of brandy in Hindi
- ब्रांडी
- ब्रेंडी
- एक प्रकार की मदिरा
brandy Definition
- a strong alcoholic spirit distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice. ( शराब या किण्वित फलों के रस से आसुत एक मजबूत शराबी आत्मा। )
brandy Example
- Alcohol, usually brandy , is sometimes mixed into the batter for rich fruit cakes before baking. ( शराब, आमतौर पर ब्रांडी, कभी-कभी बेकिंग से पहले अमीर फलों के केक के लिए बल्लेबाज में मिलाया जाता है। )
- apricot brandy ( खुबानी ब्रांडी )
- a bottle of brandy ( ब्रांडी की एक बोतल )
- When he was questioned he said he had consumed a bottle of brandy and a bottle of wine. ( जब उनसे सवाल किया गया तो उन्होंने कहा कि उन्होंने ब्रांडी की बोतल और शराब की बोतल का सेवन किया है। )
- La Mare Vineyard is the island's only vineyard, and it does a wide range of wine and apple brandy . ( ला मारे वाइनयार्ड द्वीप का एकमात्र दाख की बारी है, और यह वाइन और सेब ब्रांडी की एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला करता है। )
- Whisky, brandy and dark rum producers are now compelled to fight hard for their share of the market. ( व्हिस्की, ब्रांडी और डार्क रम निर्माता अब बाजार में अपने हिस्से के लिए कड़ी लड़ाई के लिए मजबूर हैं। )
- Add the cider, wine and brandy with the raspberries and thinly sliced bananas and serve. ( रास्पबेरी और पतले कटा हुआ केले के साथ साइडर, शराब और ब्रांडी जोड़ें और सेवा करें। )
- a bottle of brandy ( ब्रांडी की एक बोतल )
More Sentence
- Serve it at the end of a special meal instead of brandy or grappa.
- He spent the next dozen years making records and playing concerts in an alcoholic haze, drinking a bottle of brandy a day.
- Only church wine was produced but Schreiner soon included other wines and brandy .
- A day in advance, put the citrus zests, juice, sherry and brandy in a bowl to soak.
- Not a few footballers had the same idea, consuming a large whisky or brandy to give themselves a jag for the game.
- He sat down in the chair before his table, which was covered in maps and a bottle of brandy .
- For after your meal, Palinka is a common apricot brandy with more spirit than fruit, but one won't kill you.
- And unlike its cheap, nasty brandy competitors, cognac does have a reputation to keep up.
- a glass of brandy
- At the drinks cabinet a beaming middle aged man and his wife are handing out viciously strong plum brandy .
- The assortments were soaked in brandy , whisky and rum to give it the real taste.
- In a hotel lobby at Marble Arch, I drank brandy with Brandy and she gave me advice
- Armenia's wine industry specializes in the production of strong wines and brandy .
- The awards went to the best Bulgarian wines, brandies and wine brandies .
- Today the West leads the nation in producing flavorful and innovative fruit brandies , liqueurs, and fortified wines.
- Some are branching out from eaux-de-vie and cognac-style brandies into the far larger market for vodka and whiskey.