drowsy - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of drowsy in Hindi
- सुस्त
- नींद से भरा हुआ
- सुस्त
- तंद्रालु
- मुरझाया हुआ
- निद्रालु
- निंदासा
- ठंडा
- बासी
drowsy Definition
- sleepy and lethargic; half asleep.
drowsy Example
- the wine had made her drowsy ( शराब ने उसे मदहोश कर दिया था )
- Made drowsy by the long flight, the man fell asleep as soon as he laid his head on his pillow. ( लंबी उड़ान से मदहोश हो गया, आदमी अपने तकिए पर सिर रखते ही सो गया। )
- The drowsy truck driver pulled over his rig and took a quick nap. ( नींद से लथपथ ट्रक चालक ने अपना रिग खींच लिया और जल्दी से झपकी ले ली। )
- Feeling drowsy, the secretary counted down the hours until she could leave work and climb in her bed. ( नीरस महसूस करते हुए, सचिव ने घंटों की गिनती तब तक की जब तक कि वह काम छोड़कर अपने बिस्तर पर नहीं चढ़ गई। )
More Sentence
- I was too drowsy to be timid.
- There was a drowsy murmur of concurrence.
- A drowsy peace filled her.
- Then he began to get drowsy again.
- How he chided the drowsy steersman!
- Jimmy gazed at him in drowsy consternation.
- Slowly in them awoke a drowsy sparkle.
- Up jumped the drowsy one with a start.
- Taking her medicine too early always caused the woman to feel drowsy and go to bed early.
- a drowsy suburb
- the drowsy heat of the meadows