brainwash - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of brainwash in Hindi
- डिमाग धोना
- डिमाग धोना
- डिमाग धोना
brainwash Definition
- make (someone) adopt radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible pressure. ( (किसी को) व्यवस्थित और अक्सर जबरन दबाव का उपयोग करके मौलिक रूप से अलग-अलग मान्यताओं को अपनाना। )
brainwash Example
- Which is all fine and dandy, but the fact remains that vegetables are gross, and no amount of therapy or hypnosis is going to brainwash me into believing otherwise. ( जो सब ठीक है और बांका है, लेकिन तथ्य यह है कि सब्जियां सकल हैं, और थेरेपी या सम्मोहन की कोई भी राशि मुझे विश्वास में लेने के लिए नहीं जा रही है। )
- the organization could brainwash young people ( संगठन युवाओं का ब्रेनवॉश कर सकता है )
- That book tries to brainwash you into hating television and it was pretty successful. ( वह किताब आपको टेलीविजन से नफरत करने में दिमाग लगाने की कोशिश करती है और यह काफी सफल रही। )
- Cults brainwash their members into believing that they have no worthwhile thoughts of their own, and give up their right to speak for themselves. ( Cults अपने सदस्यों को यह विश्वास दिलाने में दिमाग लगाते हैं कि उनके पास स्वयं के कोई सार्थक विचार नहीं हैं, और अपने लिए बोलने का अधिकार छोड़ देते हैं। )
More Sentence
- We have no legal right to prevent our government from trying to brainwash us, however ineptly.
- The books are clearly inappropriate for young children and are an outrageous attempt to brainwash our kids.
- He created a number of fictitious characters and situations which he manipulated to brainwash his new friend.
- Not content with taking our money, they want to brainwash us.
- In interviews he said his neighbours had been trying to brainwash him.
- There's always some conspiracy, it's always the government trying to brainwash you with propaganda.
- In that sense the system is acting for the benefit of the individual when it brainwashes him into conformity.
- Has he sat in lessons across his electorate and come to the conclusion that we are all brainwashing children?
- We are brainwashed into thinking that it is in some way wrong.
- A remote, ruthless government struggles to maintain order by brainwashing its criminals.
- What must be crystal clear to readers is that I did denounce the Chinese Communist government for brainwashing its people.
- He was brainwashed and terrorized and threatened, but he was gotten back alive.
- Marge tries her hand at deprogramming after her family is brainwashed by a religious cult.
- Who agreed to these intrusive screens brainwashing us day after day?
- Hundreds of images ran through my mind, like the flashes you see when they're brainwashing people in a bad sci-fi movie.
- As a susceptible child, I was brainwashed into believing that was true.
- You're brainwashed by men and the media into thinking things like that.