boiling - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of boiling in Hindi
- उबलना
- बुदबुदाना
- क्वथन
- उबला हुआ
- उबलनेवाला
- उबलना
- जोश
boiling Definition
- the action of bringing a liquid to the temperature at which it bubbles and turns to vapor. ( तापमान पर एक तरल लाने की क्रिया जिस पर यह वाष्प बनकर उड़ जाता है। )
- (for fresh water at sea level) at 212°F (100°C). ( (समुद्र तल पर मीठे पानी के लिए) 212 ° F (100 ° C) पर। )
boiling Example
- Maybe he should try to convince whatever doctor worked on Tom to at least wash his hands and put his instruments, or saw, in boiling water first. ( हो सकता है कि उसने टॉम पर काम करने वाले डॉक्टर को समझाने की कोशिश की हो कि कम से कम हाथ धोने के लिए और अपने उपकरणों को डालने के लिए, या देखा जाए, पहले उबलते पानी में। )
- Add your choice of ground coffee in boiling water, and a fresh aromatic cup is ready. ( उबलते पानी में ग्राउंड कॉफी की अपनी पसंद जोड़ें, और एक ताजा सुगंधित कप तैयार है। )
- Then he offers images of a tortured nature: quaking mountains, brush fires, boiling water, and fierce wind. ( फिर वह एक प्रताड़ित प्रकृति की छवियां प्रदान करता है: पहाड़ों, ब्रश की आग, उबलते पानी, और भयंकर हवा। )
- I was already feeling faint as we were wearing winter clothes and it was boiling hot weather. ( मैं पहले से ही बेहोश महसूस कर रहा था क्योंकि हम सर्दियों के कपड़े पहन रहे थे और यह गर्म मौसम उबल रहा था। )
- It is like a boiling hot bath which no living being could enter, until a wild person came and jumped into it. ( यह उबलते गर्म स्नान की तरह है जिसमें कोई भी जीवित व्यक्ति प्रवेश नहीं कर सकता, जब तक कि कोई जंगली व्यक्ति न आकर उसमें कूद जाए। )
- Maybe Eating Well could issue a temperature guide for boiling of the sugar. ( शायद ईटिंग वेल चीनी के उबलने के लिए एक तापमान गाइड जारी कर सकता है। )
- This results in boiling and separation of a hydrothermal fluid from the magma. ( यह मैग्मा से एक हाइड्रोथर्मल तरल पदार्थ के उबलने और अलग होने का परिणाम है। )
- They are simply tiny living things that don't seem to mind living in boiling hot battery acid. ( वे बस छोटी-छोटी जीवित चीजें हैं जो उबलते गर्म बैटरी एसिड में रहने का मन नहीं करती हैं। )
- I walked stiffly into the lounge and had the sudden urge to have a boiling hot bath. ( मैं आराम से लाउंज में चला गया और अचानक उबलते गर्म स्नान करने का आग्रह किया। )
More Sentence
- The water should not be cloudy after the third boiling .
- It is not much of a surprise that the house is freezing upstairs in the winter and boiling in the summer as there is no insulation at all.
- Getting out onto boiling hot tarmac somewhere in just your socks would, I imagine, not be the best start to a holiday.
- Foolish Julie pulled a pot of boiling water from the stove.
- These plastics may soften at high temperatures so never put boiling or hot water in them.
- The hot springs and underground river that enter the lake results in the water on the shore being boiling hot.
- Ginseng is placed into boiling water for three minutes.
- Hasan's servant having on one occasion thrown a boiling hot dish on his master obtained his liberty with monetary help by reciting this verse.
- There's a lovely tale of the crowds flocking to see Hurley's Antarctica film during a boiling summer - just so they could look at something cold.
- When he was home from school at age 14, he upset a kettle of boiling water on his right side, burning his arm so badly that the doctor feared gangrene.
- Never pour boiling water directly from the pot; use a ladle.
- These include some truly weird microbes that thrive in extremely salty water, as well as microbes that live at temperatures close to boiling .
- The label of the condensed milk is removed and the can is immersed in boiling water for up to 5 hours, depending on the desired consistency.
- Mom was standing at the stove over a pot of boiling water.
- Use 1 tablespoon of the dried herb or two to three tablespoons of fresh plant per cup of boiling water.
- The wontons were placed in a huge pot of boiling water and after only a few moments they floated to the top, we scooped them out and here they are.
- Sitting in a boiling hot and cramped drafting room, the early discussions suffered from the self-same problem of woolly jargon.
- Slow simmering retains the alcohol; fast boiling dissipates it.
- The first time was on a boiling hot day two years ago.
- Meanwhile, in a medium sauce pan, cook the peas in boiling water for 6-8 minutes.
- The normal operating temp. for the hydraulic fluid was well above boiling temperature for water.