boast - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of boast in Hindi
- डींग
- डींग
- झूठा गर्व
- शेख़ी
- डींग मारना
- डींग हांकना
- आत्मप्रशंसा
- शेखी बघारना
boast Definition
- talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements, possessions, or abilities. ( किसी की उपलब्धियों, संपत्ति या क्षमताओं के बारे में अत्यधिक गर्व और आत्म-संतुष्टि के साथ बात करें। )
- (of a person, place, or thing) possess (a feature that is a source of pride). ( (किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान, या चीज़) के पास (एक विशेषता जो गर्व का स्रोत है)। )
- (in squash) a stroke in which the ball is made to hit one of the sidewalls before hitting the front wall. ( (स्क्वैश में) एक स्ट्रोक जिसमें गेंद सामने की दीवार से टकराने से पहले एक साइडवॉल को हिट करने के लिए बनाई जाती है। )
- an act of talking with excessive pride and self-satisfaction. ( अत्यधिक गर्व और आत्म संतुष्टि के साथ बात करने का एक कार्य। )
boast Example
- Few other cities can boast such a location, in the midst of one of the most concentrated and historic rail works in the world. ( कुछ अन्य शहर दुनिया में सबसे केंद्रित और ऐतिहासिक रेल कार्यों में से एक के बीच में, इस तरह के स्थान का दावा कर सकते हैं। )
- I said I would score, and it wasn't an idle boast ( मैंने कहा कि मैं स्कोर करूँगा, और यह एक बेकार घमंड नहीं था )
- For years his proudest boast has been that while others have criticised his growth forecasts, he has ended up having the last laugh. ( बरसों से उनका सबसे बड़ा घमंड यह रहा है कि जब दूसरों ने उनके विकास के पूर्वानुमानों की आलोचना की, तो उन्होंने आखिरी हंसी ख़त्म कर दी। )
- Both claim to have never been beaten at the bar, but that is soon to become an idle boast for one of them. ( दोनों दावा करते हैं कि कभी भी पिटाई नहीं की गई थी, लेकिन यह जल्द ही उनमें से एक के लिए एक बेकार घमंड बन गया है। )
- an empty boast ( एक खाली घमंड )
- When Lemerre said he could select two teams who would be among the finest around it was not the idle boast of a manager misleading himself about the assets at his disposal. ( जब लेमर्रे ने कहा कि वह दो टीमों का चयन कर सकता है, जो अपने आस-पास की बेहतरीन संपत्ति में से एक होगी, जो प्रबंधक के निष्क्रिय घमंड को अपने निपटान में संपत्ति के बारे में भ्रामक नहीं बताती। )
- But this is an idle boast if police are forced to abandon one set of law breakers to chase after another. ( लेकिन अगर पुलिस को एक के बाद एक पीछा करने के लिए कानून तोड़ने वालों के एक सेट को छोड़ने के लिए मजबूर किया जाता है, तो यह एक बेकार दावा है। )
More Sentence
- A prouder boast would be that it was ‘the most patriotic’.
- Harold loved to boast about the achievements of his family members from his great grandchildren, of which he had ten, to his own children.
- his proud boast is that he never lost
- Racing to a 6-0 lead in the third, Edwards moved Farrer continuously, cutting off early and using the boast to good effect.
- Parke made an error on a backhand boast , which gave Nicol a window and he hauled himself up to hit four winners to get to 8-12.
- That is not an idle boast , for the network is alive night and day with the thundering rattle of powerful locomotives and the incessant clanking of machinery in repair depots and marshalling yards.
- The cover of David Kuo's new book describes him as an internet goliath, and for once this is not an idle boast .
- However, it's the proud boast of their publicity that literally everything is imported from Italy, a fact which is reflected in the pricing.
- Of course, he meant that as a proud boast , not a confession of ignorance.
- I said I would win and it wasn't an idle boast
- an idle boast
- For example, their latest motherboards boast features like built-in wireless capabilities and a whole host of software to recover the worst computer crashes.
- He seemed to be a man of few words, and did not care to boast about his military achievements.
- A decline in education quality have made students less inclined to boast about achievements.
- Both cities boast a vibrant and thriving business community, featuring many car dealerships, retail stores and restaurants.
- Lee wins it with a tight forehand drop of her own but cannot get the next point and after three service changes it's the backhand boast from Jans Burke which gives her the championship.
- His proud boast was that he could not turn on a television anywhere in the world without seeing a film being broadcast that he had helped make.
- The five-star resort's proud boast is that it has no fewer than 42 swimming pools artfully woven into its maze of rooms, apartments and villas.
- Justin Woods doesn't like to boast about his culinary achievements - so let me do it for him.
- It has been a proud boast of our law for centuries that it punishes people for what it is proven they have done, not for what some authority or expert theorises they might want to do.
- His favourite ploy was a backhand boast pulling Beachill to the front right corner and whatever Beachill did with that tight ball, Parke was ready.
- It is our proud boast that we have the highest number of spaces in Greater Manchester, outside of the city.
- It was time to forget about pride and my proud boast of being ‘always well’.