blizzard - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of blizzard in Hindi

  • बर्फानी तूफान


  • बर्फानी तूफान
  • हिमझंझावत
  • बर्फ़ का तूफ़ान
  • बर्फ की आँधी
  • हिम तूफान

blizzard Definition

  • a severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility. ( तेज़ हवाओं और कम दृश्यता के साथ तेज़ बर्फ़बारी। )

blizzard Example

  • In all it was a beautiful quiet day and definitely not a blizzard , just a snowstorm. ( सभी में यह एक सुंदर शांत दिन था और निश्चित रूप से बर्फानी तूफान नहीं था, बस एक बर्फ का तूफान था। )
  • a blizzard of forms ( एक बर्फ़ीला तूफ़ान )
  • Looking through the blizzard of wildly differing reports of the housing market, there is at least a hint that activity is slowing and that prices have - not before time - topped out. ( हाउसिंग मार्केट की बेतहाशा अलग-अलग रिपोर्ट के धुंधलेपन को देखते हुए, कम से कम एक संकेत है कि गतिविधि धीमी हो रही है और कीमतों में समय से पहले नहीं - सबसे ऊपर है। )
  • There is irony in the book's blizzard of anecdotal details. ( पुस्तक के विस्मयकारी विवरणों में एक विडंबना है। )
  • We'll gather this blizzard of user reports into sections. ( हम उपयोगकर्ता रिपोर्ट के इस बर्फ़ीले खंड को इकट्ठा करेंगे। )
  • In an effort to help clear a path through this blizzard of misinformation and propaganda, here are the pertinent facts. ( गलत सूचना और प्रचार के इस झंझट के माध्यम से एक रास्ता साफ करने में मदद करने के लिए, यहां उचित तथ्य हैं। )
  • a blizzard of legal forms ( कानूनी रूपों का एक झांसा )
  • He is a constant bundle of energy, founding and leading a whole blizzard of extra-curricular clubs and plays, never quite satisfied for long. ( वह ऊर्जा का एक निरंतर बंडल है, जो पाठ्येतर क्लबों और नाटकों के पूरे बर्फ़ीले तूफ़ान का संस्थापक और अग्रणी है, जो लंबे समय से कभी संतुष्ट नहीं थे। )

More Sentence

  • If you lose electric power during a blizzard or ice storm, you probably will lose your heat.
  • What is the average citizen to do, facing this blizzard of charges and countercharges and theories and countertheories?
  • The blizzard of details the prosecution produced was meticulous and almost irrelevant.
  • Marking a memo ‘Secret’ gives it a certain cachet, makes it worthy of attention in the blizzard of paperwork that consumes government offices.
  • a blizzard of letters arrived
  • Then came the blizzard of self-serving press releases.
  • And did this blizzard of deal activity generate tangible additional value for their shareholders?
  • In many natural disasters, be it a blizzard , tornado or hurricane, the power is sometimes the first utility that fails.
  • As the blizzard of redundancies and closures continued through the 1970s and 80s, finding investment for such ventures was about as easy as crossing a motorway blindfolded.
  • However, in the blizzard of journalistic hype, these subtle forms they create are being lost.
  • In some places, the blizzard winds had blown their path clear of snow.
  • People were helping others run and avoid the blizzard of debris.
  • It's about the emotional trauma suffered by those who get caught-up in the blizzard of pink slips in today's harsh, corporate climate.
  • But at least there's some attempt to deal with and current affairs amid all that girl-mag blizzard of fashion, bizarre beauty treatments and gossip.
  • The blizzard winds had come in much sooner than they normally did and he and the maids had been stuck in the compound for three weeks.
  • Regardless of what it drafts, the agency expects a similar blizzard of public comment.
  • The mass no-show came despite a flurry of ads encouraging participation, and a veritable blizzard of TV spots exploring the question of voter apathy, especially among youth.
  • Or had it provided sanctuary from the remorseless blizzard of e-mails, phone calls, meetings and other responsibilities?
  • Politicians, policy experts and academics are amazingly complacent about the blizzard of cross-subsidies that now rages.
  • a blizzard of propaganda
  • The blizzard became severe on the afternoon of the 25th.
  • As I braced for the weather that's buffeted the East Coast recently, I thought: What a spiraling blizzard of bad policy we face.