atheism - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of atheism in Hindi
- नास्तिकता
- निरीश्वरवाद
- अनीश्वरवाद
atheism Definition
- disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods. ( भगवान या देवताओं के अस्तित्व में अविश्वास या विश्वास की कमी। )
atheism Example
- It saddens me deeply that you feel that our ministry is more dangerous than atheism . ( यह मुझे गहराई से दुखद लगता है कि आपको लगता है कि हमारा मंत्रालय नास्तिकता से अधिक खतरनाक है। )
- Let me quickly say that I am not advocating mass conversions to atheism or agnosticism. ( मुझे जल्दी से कहने दें कि मैं नास्तिकता या अज्ञेयवाद के लिए बड़े पैमाने पर धर्मांतरण की वकालत नहीं कर रहा हूँ। )
- And in terms of religious education is atheism or humanism ever given equal balance with official religions? ( और धार्मिक शिक्षा के संदर्भ में नास्तिकता या मानवतावाद कभी आधिकारिक धर्मों के साथ समान संतुलन है? )
- My atheism isn't due to a lack of interest in God at all, but rather the opposite: a fascination with humanity. ( मेरी नास्तिकता भगवान में रुचि की कमी के कारण नहीं है, बल्कि इसके विपरीत है: मानवता के साथ एक आकर्षण। )
- Doubts and refutations were presented from the perspective of humanistic atheism and agnosticism. ( मानवतावादी नास्तिकता और अज्ञेयवाद के परिप्रेक्ष्य से संदेह और प्रतिशोध प्रस्तुत किया गया। )
- Not one of the city's ancient churches was left unscathed by the long years of official atheism . ( शहर के प्राचीन चर्चों में से एक भी आधिकारिक नास्तिकता के लंबे वर्षों से अप्रभावित नहीं था। )
More Sentence
- However, I think there's more that could be said about the relation between naturalism and atheism .
- As a thinker he advanced from theological liberalism to deism, then pantheism and possibly to atheism .
- No matter how strenuously some may try to deny it, atheism is a belief system.
- It had also been predicted that a great wave of atheism would sweep the world.
- How atheism and agnosticism have spread in the later generations is there for everyone to see.
- Denial of any purpose and order is current in atheism and materialism.
- One interesting discovery is the paucity of scholarly work on the actual history of atheism .
- The teaching of eternal torment has done more to drive people to atheism and insanity than any other invention of the devil.
- Miller discussed and investigated the philosophical basis and long history of atheism and disbelief.
- Christianity has nothing to fear from atheism or agnosticism.
- I whole-heartedly welcome proposals to tell children about atheism and agnosticism in schools.
- Indeed one of the other fashionable mistakes of the moment is to blur the distinction between the terms atheism and secularism.
- I had thought as a freshman at Kenyon that atheism was the most rebellious thing I could do.
- The school accepts children from other religions, and teaches alternative religions and even atheism .
- Our choice of atheistic , agnostic or theistic presuppositions will have an important bearing on the nature and scope of our results.
- Most of my college professors and intellectual mentors were devout atheists .
- One commenter pointed out there was no category for atheists or agnostics.
- This was atheistic humanism, atheism with a developed ideology and a program for remaking the world.
- In this work, it becomes clear that Ivan's atheistical ideas cannot be refuted by other ideas.
- My secular, atheistic philosophy (embraced in earnest as a teenager) had brought me to a dead end.
- For years we had people utter a religious oath, even when many of them were atheists or agnostics.
- Three days before Marlowe's death the same Baines delivered a note to the Privy Council that claimed to record an atheistical lecture delivered by Marlowe.
- Her intention is to ask the monks in the monastery there to intercede for the soul of her dead atheistical father.
- According to Bishop Gilbert Burnet, Brodrick ‘had been very atheistical and wicked, but was as great an example as ever I knew of an eminent conversion before his death’.