blindfold - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of blindfold in Hindi

  • आंखों पर पट्टी से


  • आंखों पर पट्टी से


  • आंखों पर पट्टी वाला
  • आंख बन्द कर देना
  • भटका देना

blindfold Definition


  • a piece of cloth tied around the head to cover someone's eyes. ( किसी के आँखों को ढँकने के लिए सिर के चारों ओर बाँधा हुआ कपड़ा। )


  • wearing a blindfold. ( आंखों पर पट्टी बांधकर। )


  • deprive (someone) of sight by tying a piece of cloth around the head so as to cover the eyes. ( आंखों के ढकने के लिए सिर के चारों ओर कपड़े का एक टुकड़ा बांधकर देखने से वंचित (कोई)। )


  • with a blindfold covering the eyes. ( आंखों पर पट्टी बांधकर। )

blindfold Example

  • The effect is not purely psychological: red light increases blood pressure and blue decreases it, even if the subject is blindfold . ( प्रभाव विशुद्ध रूप से मनोवैज्ञानिक नहीं है: लाल बत्ती रक्तचाप को बढ़ाती है और नीला कम हो जाता है, भले ही यह विषय आंखों पर पट्टी हो। )
  • The driver would be blindfold and the passenger would direct them. ( ड्राइवर आंखों पर पट्टी बांधे होगा और यात्री उन्हें निर्देशित करेगा। )
  • And I just saw him looking very distressed before they forced him into his seat, and put a blindfold on him and covered his handcuffs with a blanket. ( और मैंने उसे बस अपनी सीट पर ले जाने से पहले उसे बहुत परेशान देखा, और उस पर आंखें मूंद लीं और एक कंबल से उसकी हथकड़ी को ढंक दिया। )
  • Each year I ask my two children, Zoe, now 17, and Oliver, 15, to pick shares blindfold with a pin. ( हर साल मैं अपने दो बच्चों, ज़ो, अब 17, और ओलिवर, 15, को पिन के साथ आंखों पर पट्टी लेने के लिए कहता हूं। )
  • Then on the 28th, after video surfaced with him blindfold with a sword over his head, he was listed as captured. ( उसके बाद 28 तारीख को, उसके सिर पर तलवार से आंखों पर पट्टी बांधकर वीडियो सामने आने के बाद, उसे कैद कर लिया गया। )

More Sentence

  • Luckily Stefan can ski his way through these trees blindfold .
  • Nobody could believe it when Mr O'Brien was found dead in a blood-soaked bedroom, naked and trussed up in handcuffs, blindfold and gagged.
  • He throws his knives blindfold , barely nicking his lovely target, inciting the pair to ever more reckless acts.
  • It moves forward as furtively as a guerilla able to walk jungle paths blindfold .
  • To this end, a map was purchased, into which, whilst blindfold , he thrust a pin.
  • Learn how the knot of your choice should be tied and practise till you can tie it blindfold .
  • A blindfold test of this album might yield guesses like Stereolab in their garage days or a guitar-less Zappa, but Need New Body's zany debut is a free-standing oddity.
  • Chris, however was so in tune with his bike I'm sure he could have ridden blindfold had I asked him to.
  • Alia nervously giggled because her eyes were covered with a blindfold .
  • In the Utut-Zhu game, the victory avenged Zhu's Sunday defeat when Utut overpowered her in two games of their blindfold chess exhibition.
  • Making his debut in the tournament, Morozevich suddenly found a hidden talent for the art of blindfold chess.
  • I'm going into it blindfold , but I love the script.
  • It got to the point that I could make them blindfold , in about four minutes with no recipe, because I did it every single day.
  • It was a little like riding a roller coaster blindfold .
  • The odd thing about this sight, though, was that a blue blindfold covered the Angel Prince's eyes.
  • Ordeal by fire required suspects (usually freemen) to carry hot irons, or to walk blindfold and barefoot through red-hot ploughshares or over heated coals.
  • I looked down at my hands to see that they were holding a cloth; a blindfold .
  • The blindfold game ended in a surprisingly short draw, after Kramnik had equalised with black in the Lasker variation of the Queen's Gambit.
  • Finally, let's see how Leko ended up having his queen completely gift-wrapped in his blindfold game against Piket.
  • At the same time, he broke the world motorcycle record for a blind or blindfolded person.
  • Her eyes then slid to the waterfall, cascading in a sparkle, blindfolding her from something.
  • Other journalists have witnessed detainees ‘wearing only underwear and blindfolds , handcuffed and lying in the dirt 24 hours after their capture.’
  • You can always count on this one for some comedy capers as blindfolded people crash into things.
  • He told how he was blindfolded , taken to an interrogation centre and tortured for seven weeks.
  • They were allowed to take off their blindfolds , but had to cover their eyes every time a guard entered their tiny bare room, where they squatted on mattresses on the ground.