bleach - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bleach in Hindi

  • ब्लीच


  • ब्लीच
  • सफेद


  • चूनी लगाना
  • सफेद करना

bleach Definition


  • a chemical (typically a solution of sodium hypochlorite or hydrogen peroxide) used to whiten or sterilize materials. ( एक रासायनिक (आमतौर पर सोडियम हाइपोक्लोराइट या हाइड्रोजन पेरोक्साइड का एक समाधान) सामग्री को सफेद या बाँझ करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। )


  • whiten by exposure to sunlight or by a chemical process. ( सूर्य के प्रकाश के संपर्क में या एक रासायनिक प्रक्रिया द्वारा सफेद। )
  • clean and sterilize. ( स्वच्छ और निष्फल। )

bleach Example

  • If your seedlings succumbed to any diseases last year, make sure the containers are rinsed with a 10% solution of bleach to kill off any remaining spores. ( यदि आपकी रोपाई पिछले साल किसी भी बीमारी के शिकार हो गई है, तो सुनिश्चित करें कि किसी भी शेष बीजाणुओं को मारने के लिए कंटेनरों को ब्लीच के 10% समाधान के साथ rinsed किया गया है। )
  • I'm very careful about what I eat and drink; I bleach everything in the condo, I wash my clothes carefully. ( मैं इस बात से बहुत सावधान हूँ कि मैं क्या खाता-पीता हूँ; मैं कॉन्डो में सब कुछ ब्लीच करता हूं, मैं अपने कपड़े ध्यान से धोता हूं। )
  • Of those that use a dishcloth or sponge, a third disinfect, boil or bleach it to keep it clean - the most effective methods. ( उन में से जो एक डिशक्लॉथ या स्पंज का उपयोग करते हैं, एक तीसरा कीटाणुनाशक, इसे साफ रखने के लिए इसे उबालें या ब्लीच करें - सबसे प्रभावी तरीके। )
  • I had to gather it up and wash and bleach it to get the muddy paw prints out of the sheets. ( मुझे इसे इकट्ठा करने और धोने और ब्लीच करने के लिए ब्लीच करना होता है ताकि शीशों से निकलने वाले गंदे पंजे के निशान निकल सकें। )
  • Mildew can be eliminated by simply adding a small amount of household bleach to the cleaning solution. ( सफाई के घोल में थोड़ी मात्रा में घरेलू ब्लीच डालकर हल्के से सफाया किया जा सकता है। )
  • The solution used to bleach hair softens and swells the cuticles cells, but it also contain hydrogen peroxide to release oxygen. ( बालों को ब्लीच करने और क्यूटिकल्स सेल्स को सूजने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला घोल, लेकिन इसमें ऑक्सीजन छोड़ने के लिए हाइड्रोजन पेरोक्साइड भी होता है। )
  • how can I get all those stains out of my wash without bleach? ( मैं ब्लीच के बिना अपने धोने से उन सभी दागों को कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? )

More Sentence

  • Be warned, though - many of the more extreme techniques incorporate the use of hydrogen peroxide bleach and are not endorsed under EU laws.
  • The thread can withstand machine washing without bleach , but should not be ironed directly.
  • It is also possible to bleach paper through an oxidation process that uses no chlorine at all.
  • Sodium chlorite, hypochlorite, perborate, and peroxide are used to bleach paper, cotton, and rayon.
  • She poured two litres of concentrated bleach down the loo and down the sink and down the plug hole in the bath, but the smell just got worst.
  • Hong Kong's health chief has said the virus is highly infectious, but can be killed by a solution of common household bleach .
  • I would like to acknowledge the antimicrobial foams and dilute bleach solutions that are helping to disinfect the rest of the building.
  • Some people use cleaners like bleach , not knowing that it is useless in a barn.
  • Disinfect bathrooms and basement walls with a disinfectant solution such as diluted bleach .
  • How can I get all those stains out of my wash without bleach ?
  • For successful inactivation of both organism and toxin, both bleach and sodium hydroxide must be applied for a total of 40 minutes.
  • Be familiar with and observe safety guidelines when working with hazardous chemicals such as sodium hydroxide and bleach .
  • This fabric may yellow so it should be bleached frequently with sodium perborate bleach .
  • If you notice any mildew, it should be washed off with a solution of 1 part bleach and 3 parts water and rinsed thoroughly.
  • An EU ruling makes it illegal to supply hydrogen peroxide bleach at over 0.1 per cent concentration.
  • This technique means that wherever they make chlorine, they make sodium hydroxide, too, and generally they go on to make sodium hypochlorite bleach for you, too.
  • Those answers mean a lot, Mosley says, because it's troubling when biracial people seem to bleach away their blackness with European pride.
  • Liquid bleach used in the laundry is an alkaline solution of hypochlorite ion.
  • If your grout (the material put between tiles to finish the surface and seal against leakage) is discolored, you might want to try and bleach and scrub it clean.
  • a new formula to bleach and brighten clothing
  • Also discovered was a clay-like substance shaped to look like plastic explosive, bleach and a note questioning airline security, according to a law enforcement source.
  • CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta says some people have become tooth- bleaching junkies.
  • Morgan stopped and looked up into the sky, the moon shining directly on his long hair, bleaching it so white, he looked like his brother.