bitumen - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bitumen in Hindi

  • अस्फ़ाल्ट


  • अस्फ़ाल्ट
  • बिटूमन
  • डामर

bitumen Definition

  • a black viscous mixture of hydrocarbons obtained naturally or as a residue from petroleum distillation. It is used for road surfacing and roofing. ( हाइड्रोकार्बन का एक काला चिपचिपा मिश्रण प्राकृतिक रूप से या पेट्रोलियम आसवन से प्राप्त अवशेषों के रूप में। यह सड़क सरफेसिंग और छत के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। )

bitumen Example

  • Unlike the bitumen used in builtup systems, the bitumen in modified bitumen systems is modified with polymers in order to increase the elasticity and strength of the finished roof. ( निर्मित सिस्टम में प्रयुक्त बिटुमेन के विपरीत, तैयार छत की लोच और शक्ति बढ़ाने के लिए पॉलिमर के साथ संशोधित बिटुमेन सिस्टम में संशोधित किया गया है। )
  • a kilometre and a half of bitumen ( एक किलोमीटर और बिटुमेन का आधा हिस्सा )
  • Another method employed the substance called collyrium; this is a preparation of pitch, bitumen , pounded glass, wax, and mastic. ( एक अन्य विधि ने कोलेलिअम नामक पदार्थ को नियोजित किया; यह पिच, कोलतार, बढ़ा हुआ ग्लास, मोम और मैस्टिक की तैयारी है। )
  • The nerve shattering noise was from a petrol driven concrete and bitumen cutting saw so loud that all workers were wearing ear muffs. ( तंत्रिका बिखरने का शोर एक पेट्रोल चालित कंक्रीट और बिटुमेन कटिंग से था जो इतनी जोर से देखा गया था कि सभी श्रमिक कानों को पहने हुए थे। )
  • Corporation officials say that delay in sanctioning funds and the unavailability of bitumen had held up tarring for over eight months. ( निगम के अधिकारियों का कहना है कि धनराशि को मंजूरी देने में देरी और बिटुमेन की अनुपलब्धता ने आठ महीने से अधिक समय तक रोक रखा था। )
  • When used as the top layer, they are frequently factory surfaced with granules or bitumen , eliminating the need for field surfacing later on. ( जब शीर्ष परत के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता है, तो वे अक्सर फैक्ट्री ग्रैन्यूल्स या कोलतार के साथ सामने आते हैं, जिससे बाद में फील्ड सरफेसिंग की आवश्यकता समाप्त हो जाती है। )
  • There are three different application techniques for modified bitumen : torching, hot-mopping and cold-applied. ( संशोधित बिटुमेन के लिए तीन अलग-अलग एप्लिकेशन तकनीकें हैं: टॉरचिंग, हॉट-मोपिंग और कोल्ड-एप्लाइड। )

More Sentence

  • If the material is accidentally punctured, it can be repaired quickly using mylar tape and bitumen .
  • Thus, the presence of bitumen in correlative parts of the sections is presumably due to the ability of similar shale lithologies to trap and hold bitumen as hydrocarbons migrate through the basin.
  • At ambient temperature, bitumen is a highly viscous to almost solid substance that is extremely difficult to work with.
  • The extraction process begins here, where solvent and water begin to separate bitumen from sand and clay.
  • Supposedly, roads laid with a mixture of recycled plastic and bitumen were more durable because of the water-resistant characteristic of plastic.
  • The overflow car park will not be lit and it will be surfaced with reinforced grass rather than bitumen while 160 parking spaces to the north of the clubhouse have been moved to protect the privacy of Knotty Ash Farm.
  • One of the curiosities of the Ironbridge Gorge was a spring of natural bitumen discovered in 1786.
  • One of the largest integrated petroleum companies in Canada, the company is a major producer of natural gas, natural gas liquids and bitumen , and the country's largest producer of sulphur.
  • Ma'dan have few possessions, typically just a few water buffalo, a gun, some blankets and cooking utensils, and a reed canoe coated with bitumen (tar).
  • It belongs to the same family of substances as asphalt or bitumen .
  • The crude petroleum is heat-extracted from a mixture of bitumen , sand, water, and clay in an open-pit mining operation.
  • One relatively recent roofing improvement is the development of self-adhered modified bitumen and other self-adhered membrane roofing products.
  • Unlike the flowing reserves that are pumped out of Dallas, oil sands are actually deposits of bitumen - a tar-like mixture of petroleum hydrocarbons that are attached to sand.
  • It might turn out that there is enough flat roof at the top of your flat to pour thousands of pounds worth of bitumen , asphalt and lead onto.