billow - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of billow in Hindi

  • तरंग


  • तरंग
  • बड़ी लहर


  • लहराना
  • सागर, समुद्र, ध्वनि, सेना या अन्य वस्तु जो लहर की तरह चले
  • महातरंग

billow Definition


  • (of fabric) fill with air and swell outward. ( (फैब्रिक का) हवा से भरें और बाहर की ओर प्रफुल्लित हों। )


  • a large undulating mass of something, typically cloud, smoke, or steam. ( किसी चीज़ का एक बड़ा अनियंत्रित द्रव्यमान, आमतौर पर बादल, धुआँ या भाप। )

billow Example

  • Thick clouds of black smoke billow out of each of the vehicles, sometimes coming from the exhaust pipe. ( प्रत्येक वाहन से काले धुएं के घने बादल, कभी-कभी निकास पाइप से आते हैं। )
  • The boat swept round with its bow to the east just in time to meet a billow , which, towering high above its fellows, burst completely over the rocks, and appeared to be about to sweep away all before it. ( नाव एक धनुष से मिलने के लिए कुछ ही समय में अपने धनुष के साथ पूर्व की ओर घूमती है, जो कि इसके फॉलोवर्स के ऊपर ऊंची होती है, चट्टानों के ऊपर पूरी तरह से फट जाती है, और इससे पहले कि यह सब दूर झाड़ू लगती है। )
  • When we got out on the street we saw a billow of white smoke and the sound was deafening. ( जब हम सड़क पर निकले तो हमने सफेद धुएं का एक झुंड देखा और आवाज़ गगनभेदी थी। )
  • After hours of watching the black smoke billow over the top of the mountain, we stood horrified as the flames made their appearance. ( पहाड़ की चोटी पर काले धुएं के बिल को देखने के घंटों बाद, हम भयभीत हो गए क्योंकि आग की लपटों ने उनकी उपस्थिति बना दी। )
  • Clouds of smoke billow out of the door when you enter the Botanica Papa Chango in Bridgeport, Connecticut. ( जब आप कनेक्टिकट के ब्रिजपोर्ट में बॉटनिका पापा चांगो में प्रवेश करते हैं, तो दरवाजे से धुएं के बादल निकलते हैं। )
  • I could almost see the smoke billow from her ears. ( मैं उसके कानों से धुआं बिलो को लगभग देख सकता था। )
  • She said: ‘I went out to the back of the shop to get some stock and saw a billow of black smoke come from under the door.’ ( उसने कहा: said मैं कुछ स्टॉक लेने के लिए दुकान के पीछे की तरफ गई और देखा कि दरवाजे के नीचे से एक काला धुआँ निकल रहा है। ' )
  • Divson lit up a cigarette in his home, letting the purple smoke billow to the ceiling and permeate the drywall exterior. ( Divson ने अपने घर में एक सिगरेट जलाई, जिससे बैंगनी धुएं की छत तक पहुंच गई और drywall के बाहरी हिस्से को हवा दी। )
  • Flying in across a track of pearl and gold laid by the setting sun across the Atlantic, I watched the island shape itself as a dark mass hardening from a billow of pink sea-level clouds. ( अटलांटिक के पार सूरज की किरणों से बिछाए गए मोती और सोने के ट्रैक में उड़ते हुए, मैंने द्वीप के आकार को एक गहरे गुलाबी समुद्र के बादलों के बिल से सख्त द्रव्यमान के रूप में देखा। )
  • I didn't think I was tired quite yet, but as I watched the white smoke billow up in little threads above the fire, my eyelids grew heavy. ( मुझे नहीं लगता था कि मैं अभी तक थका हुआ था, लेकिन जब मैंने आग के ऊपर छोटे धागों में सफेद धुएं का बिल देखा, तो मेरी पलकें भारी हो गईं। )
  • With one pair, the flared cuffs billowed out for about a foot. ( एक जोड़ी के साथ, भड़के हुए कफ ने एक पैर के लिए बाहर बिल दिया। )

More Sentence

  • A thick cloud of black smoke billowed from the top.
  • In Freefall Temple #4, a colonnade of white and black blocks supports a billowing mass of striated Turkish onyx.
  • The hills were cool, and a breeze kept his shirt billowed out.
  • Her red cloak billowed out from behind as she spun.
  • This last astonished me much, for I recollected that at home the sea used to fall in huge billows on the shore long after a storm had subsided.
  • As mortars aboard the ammunition truck exploded, they set a nearby fuel tanker truck ablaze, sending clouds of black smoke billowing into the sky.
  • She was sure, though, running at break neck speed, fabric billowing behind her, that something on the outside was now trying to break through.
  • No other land is in sight, only an ocean without end and its own billowy breath rising as cumulus clouds that seem far more substantive than the tiny landforms below.
  • Everything shakes and smoke slowly billows its way from the building.
  • This Honeymoon Cruise offers boats with which you sail away from ports at sunset and feel the exhilaration of cruising under white billowing sails.
  • He swung her around, her white dress billowed out behind her, until they both ended up cuddling on the ground looking up at the sky.
  • For thou didst cast me into the deep, into the heart of the seas, and the flood was round about me; all they waves and they billows passed over me.
  • As he stood up slowly from his throne, his straggly dark hair whipped back from his forehead in the now bitter wind, his cloak taking on the image of the wings of a bat as it flapped and billowed out behind him.
  • However, it only resulted in the bed linen billowing up and temporarily obscuring his butler from his sleep-blurred sight.
  • A neighbour spotted clouds of smoke billowing from the hall and raised the alarm.
  • The island looked disastrous, with billows of smoke rising to the skies, the houses on fire.
  • Skillfully, Annika hoisted herself up onto the moving wagon; her own pale, pastel colored skirt billowed out behind her like a cape.
  • She felt rejuvenated by the water as it washed over her and breathed deep the billows of steam clouding the air like an impregnable fog.
  • Next door is on fire. Poking my head out of the window, I discover great billows of smoke pouring from the old house next door to my building.