bill - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bill in Hindi
- बिल
- विधेयक
- चोंच
- प्राप्यक
- बीजल
- हुंडी
- बीजक
- विपत्र
- विज्ञापन चिपकाना
bill Definition
- the beak of a bird, especially when it is slender, flattened, or weak, or belongs to a web-footed bird or a bird of the pigeon family. ( एक पक्षी की चोंच, खासकर जब यह पतला, चपटा या कमजोर होता है, या एक वेब-पैर वाले पक्षी या कबूतर परिवार का पक्षी होता है। )
- an amount of money owed for goods supplied or services rendered, set out in a printed or written statement of charges. ( आपूर्ति की गई वस्तुओं या सेवाओं के लिए बकाया धनराशि, आरोपों के मुद्रित या लिखित विवरण में निर्धारित की गई है। )
- a draft of a proposed law presented to parliament for discussion. ( चर्चा के लिए संसद को प्रस्तुत एक प्रस्तावित कानून का मसौदा। )
- a program of entertainment, especially at a theater. ( मनोरंजन का एक कार्यक्रम, विशेष रूप से एक थिएटर में। )
- a banknote; a piece of paper money. ( एक बैंकनोट; कागज पैसे का एक टुकड़ा। )
- a poster or handbill. ( एक पोस्टर या हैंडबिल। )
- a medieval weapon like a halberd with a hook instead of a blade. ( एक ब्लेड की बजाय हुक के साथ एक हलबर्ड की तरह एक मध्यकालीन हथियार। )
- list (a person or event) in a program. ( एक कार्यक्रम में सूची (एक व्यक्ति या घटना)। )
- send a note of charges to (someone). ( (किसी को) आरोपों का एक नोट भेजें। )
- (of birds, especially doves) stroke bill with bill during courtship. ( (पक्षियों, विशेष रूप से कबूतर) को प्रेमालाप के दौरान बिल के साथ स्ट्रोक बिल। )
bill Example
- Unfortunately, the thieves had had a little spending spree at Comet, running up a bill of £1000 on my Amex. ( दुर्भाग्य से, चोरों ने धूमकेतु पर थोड़ा खर्च किया था, जो मेरे एमेक्स पर £ 1000 का बिल था। )
- Like the doctor who can give you medicine while you're in a coma… and bill you for it! ( उस डॉक्टर की तरह जो कोमा में रहते हुए आपको दवा दे सकता है… और आपको इसके लिए बिल देगा! )
- she was top of the bill at America's leading vaudeville house ( वह अमेरिका के प्रमुख वाडेविले हाउस में बिल के शीर्ष पर थी )
- James Loynes, a rising singing star from Chorley, was top of the bill . ( चेरले के एक उभरते गायक स्टार जेम्स लोयन्स बिल के शीर्ष पर थे। )
- Top of the bill is Canny, Pembrokeshire's human beat-boxer. ( बिल के शीर्ष पर कैनी, पेम्ब्रोकशायर के मानव बीट-बॉक्सर हैं। )
- The bill of a platypus is soft, flexible, and leathery, unlike a bird's beak. ( एक पक्षी की चोंच के विपरीत, एक प्लैटिपस का बिल नरम, लचीला और चमड़े का होता है। )
- They include the extraordinary bill of the platypus, an egg-laying semiaquatic mammal from Australia. ( उनमें प्लैटिपस का असाधारण बिल, ऑस्ट्रेलिया से एक अंडा-बिछाने अर्धचालक स्तनपायी शामिल है। )
- the monthly food bill is going up ( मासिक भोजन बिल बढ़ रहा है )
More Sentence
- I hope that everyone who contributed to the consultation will see their hand in the bill presented to parliament this week.
- The American Coot is a medium-sized bird with a white bill , yellow legs, and lobed toes.
- The platypus is considered a primitive mammal, yet its bill appears to be highly advanced.
- Each of the plurality of flukes may be provided with an inwardly sloped bill segment at a distal end of the fluke.
- a bill on foreign affairs
- Fairly good discussion on the Scottish Parliament's proposed Gaelic bill on today's Lesley Riddoch show.
- we said we couldn't foot the bill
- But the bird has only her bill to manipulate this awkward baton, which rotates first one way, then the other as she tries to make it fit.
- However, when they reached Goole the boat had already sailed, and they were brought back to Selby where, after running up a bill for storage for a few days they were sent on to Chatham by rail.
- the bill for their meal came to £17
- Anna admitted that, physically, she looks nothing like the star who remained top of the bill for 60 years.
- Irish customers use their phones for an average of 198 minutes a month, running up a bill of €44.28.
- He sat up in a sapling, throwing back his head, opening wide his slender bill , and singing his rising, buzzy song.
- she asked the waiter for the bill
- a ten-dollar bill
- The concert will feature a host of local entertainers and top of the bill will be the widely acclaimed Clare singer Larry Mc Evoy.
- he has been hard at work bill posting in a poster and sticker campaign
- It can put you top of the bill at the theatre, if it wasn't for Boycie I wouldn't be doing that.
- Bernard was top of the bill at a fun day at The Rising Sun in Burnage, to raise funds for the £5m Francis House appeal.
- She dug into the pockets of her dirty tan coat and withdrew a ten-dollar bill .
- Shave money off your broadband bill while offering a public service to your neighbors.
- The FP126 has a contrasting sandwich bill and piping over the back arc that also add to its appeal.