bilingual - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bilingual in Hindi
- द्विभाषिक
- द्विभाषी
- दो भाषाओं में बोला या लिखा हुआ
- द्विभाषिक
bilingual Definition
- (of a person) speaking two languages fluently. ( (किसी व्यक्ति का) धाराप्रवाह दो भाषाएँ बोलना। )
- a person fluent in two languages. ( एक व्यक्ति दो भाषाओं में धाराप्रवाह है। )
bilingual Example
- It is not enough to be bilingual teachers with extensive knowledge of bilingual theory or language instruction. ( द्विभाषी सिद्धांत या भाषा निर्देश के व्यापक ज्ञान के साथ द्विभाषी शिक्षक होना पर्याप्त नहीं है। )
- In the mid 1960s my Aunt Alice, a retired bilingual executive secretary, had almost suddenly become unable to lift her chin off her chest. ( 1960 के दशक के मध्य में मेरी चाची एलिस, जो एक सेवानिवृत्त द्विभाषी कार्यकारी सचिव थीं, लगभग अचानक अपनी ठुड्डी को अपनी छाती से उठाने में असमर्थ हो गईं। )
- Many of them were probably bilingual , speaking Arabic and the now-extinct variety of Spanish known as Mozarabic. ( उनमें से कई शायद द्विभाषी थे, अरबी बोलते थे और स्पेनिश की अब-विलुप्त किस्म जिसे मोज़ाराबिक के रूप में जाना जाता है। ) )
- It's not a French city; it's not even a bilingual city. ( यह एक फ्रांसीसी शहर नहीं है; यह एक द्विभाषी शहर भी नहीं है। )
- The text is fully bilingual , and portraits adorn nearly all entries. ( पाठ पूरी तरह से द्विभाषी है, और लगभग सभी प्रविष्टियों को चित्रित करता है। )
- Some - including the Scottish Executive - are none too keen on bilingual signs in a language that few understand and even fewer speak. ( स्कॉटिश एग्जीक्यूटिव सहित कुछ - किसी भी भाषा में द्विभाषी संकेतों के लिए बहुत उत्सुक नहीं हैं, जो कम समझ और यहां तक कि कम बोलते हैं। )
- Later, he came to Boston and studied bilingual education in the University of Massachusetts where he taught science to Latino students at the high school level. ( बाद में, वह बोस्टन आया और मैसाचुसेट्स विश्वविद्यालय में द्विभाषी शिक्षा का अध्ययन किया जहां उसने हाई स्कूल स्तर पर लातीनी छात्रों को विज्ञान पढ़ाया। )
- This code was translated into English and published in a bilingual text in 1989 in the United States. ( इस कोड को अंग्रेजी में अनुवादित किया गया और 1989 में संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में एक द्विभाषी पाठ में प्रकाशित किया गया। )
More Sentence
- Almost half that Hispanic population is more comfortable speaking only Spanish, and 28 percent is bilingual , according to a study by the Pew Hispanic Center.
- But that would have implied that Belgium was a bilingual country.
- Teresa is convinced he was helped by being bilingual ; she has brought up all the children to speak Italian.
- Fluent in both Thai and English, Wuthinan's bilingual knowledge was desperately needed manning the phones at the blood donation centre.
- It was in the heart of what was now considered Spanish Harlem and served the bilingual descendants of New York's Spanish speaking immigrants.
- Personally, I'm glad I'm bilingual , but I am much more comfortable speaking Spanish than English.
- Blocked rules that would require federal agencies to offer bilingual assistance to non-English speaking persons.
- Canada is legally a bilingual country, one moving towards multiculturalism.
- The drawings by Bulgarian children will be then included in a special bilingual edition of the book, in Bulgarian and French.
- The city where the Cortez clan resides is a multicultural, bilingual community - street signs and billboards appear both in Spanish and English.
- Preparation is further complicated in that not all states provide certification in bilingual education and/or ESL.
- Not everyone recognizes how lucky we are to be a bilingual nation, it's culturally extraordinary.
- Having a bilingual secretary in a company can add huge kudos.
- A bilingual community: Most of the ALBA staff and many of the farmers speaks both English and Spanish.
- Integration succeeds for many reasons; incredibly, the bilingual country is able to assert one identity.
- Never mind that she's superbly qualified and fluently bilingual .
- Her research interests include the role of metacognition in second and bilingual language learning.
- It arrived close to sundown, after my bilingual secretary had gone home.
- Christine is fluently bilingual and will be soliciting book reviews in both English and French.
- A fascinating artistic account came from Leow Puay Tin who writes modular, bilingual texts on cards, to be shuffled and used in varying ways.
- To which I responded matter-of-factly, ‘This is a bilingual country.’
- And most of the young were bilingual or trilingual (reading and/or speaking French and English as well as Arabic).