behold - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of behold in Hindi
- देखो
- निहारना
- अवलोकन करना
- ध्यानपूर्वक देखना
- ध्यान से देखना
behold Definition
- see or observe (a thing or person, especially a remarkable or impressive one).
behold Example
- behold your king! ( अपने राजा को देखो! )
- When I arrived home early, I was shocked to behold a thief attempting to break into my house. ( जब मैं जल्दी घर पहुँचा, तो एक चोर को मेरे घर में सेंध लगाने का प्रयास करते देखकर मैं चौंक गया। )
- One of my wishes is to behold the greatest wonders of the world. (मेरी एक इच्छा दुनिया के सबसे बड़े अजूबों को निहारना है। )
- Just to be on the safe side, we expand the solution, only to find that, lo and behold, the order of (6.11) is four.( केवल सुरक्षित पक्ष पर रहने के लिए, हम समाधान का विस्तार करते हैं, केवल यह पता लगाने के लिए कि लो और निहारना, (6.11) का क्रम चार है। )
More Sentence
- I walked into the lunchroom to behold my enemies sitting at the same lunch table.
- And lo and behold, I think he's out of the government now, which is a really good thing.
- So she went and turned the TV on, and lo and behold, there he was on television.
- I did what he suggested and lo and behold, I had the power to beat those road monsters.
- A player in a slump is a sad sight to behold, equal parts wild-eyed desperation and puppy-dog bewilderment.
- In the spring wild grasses are a sight to behold and there is wildlife and birdsong to enjoy.
- Lo and behold out of the surf popped a little critter, and he proceeded to waddle up the beach and then up the banking for a bit of kip.
- The sound of mandolin, crumhorns, bassoons, recorders, and various timpani, being woven into a rock structure is simply a joy to behold.
- Behold our little puppy, the newest addition to our family!
- the botanical gardens were a wonder to behold