barrister - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of barrister in Hindi
- बैरिस्टर
- वकील
- बड़ा वकील
- विधिवक्ता
barrister Definition
- a lawyer entitled to practice as an advocate, particularly in the higher courts. ( एक वकील, जो विशेष रूप से उच्च न्यायालयों में एक वकील के रूप में अभ्यास करने का हकदार है। )
barrister Example
- This is not dissimilar to charges of professional misconduct as a barrister or solicitor. ( यह बैरिस्टर या सॉलिसिटर के रूप में पेशेवर कदाचार के आरोपों के प्रति असहमति नहीं है। )
- If there is anybody who knows an honest barrister or solicitor that can help me with my defence and so, please let me know. ( यदि कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति है जो एक ईमानदार बैरिस्टर या सॉलिसिटर जानता है जो मुझे अपनी रक्षा में मदद कर सकता है, तो कृपया मुझे बताएं। )
- You are the first barrister without a solicitor that has ever appeared in front of me. ( आप बिना किसी वकील के पहले बैरिस्टर हैं जो कभी मेरे सामने आया है। )
- Francis had used five different firms of solicitors and six defence barristers . ( फ्रांसिस ने सॉलिसिटर और छह रक्षा बैरिस्टर की पांच अलग-अलग फर्मों का इस्तेमाल किया था। )
- The Group can also receive payments from panel solicitors, barristers and mobile doctors. ( समूह पैनल सॉलिसिटर, बैरिस्टर और मोबाइल डॉक्टरों से भी भुगतान प्राप्त कर सकता है। )
- The two sides of the profession, barristers and solicitors, continue to exist, and both have expanded numerically. ( पेशे के दो पक्ष, बैरिस्टर और सॉलिसिटर मौजूद हैं, और दोनों ने संख्यात्मक रूप से विस्तार किया है। )
- So both barristers and judges have to be very careful that they deal with juries in a way that helps them to deal with the subject matter. ( इसलिए बैरिस्टर और जज दोनों को बहुत सावधान रहना होगा कि वे एक तरह से चोटों से निपटें जो उन्हें विषय वस्तु से निपटने में मदद करे। )
- The BBC reports that the judge and the barristers removed their wigs and gowns to make the courtroom less intimidating. ( बीबीसी की रिपोर्ट है कि जज और बैरिस्टरों ने कोर्ट रूम को कम डराने के लिए अपने विग और गाउन को हटा दिया। )
- He was grilled in the witness box for 15 days by the prosecution and defence barristers on the issue. ( इस मुद्दे पर अभियोजन पक्ष और रक्षा बैरिस्टरों द्वारा उन्हें 15 दिनों के लिए गवाह बॉक्स में ग्रील्ड किया गया था। )
More Sentence
- Instead I started by approaching solicitors and barristers known to me to seek access to their clients.
- A decision has been taken that the judge Mr Justice Hooper and barristers are not to wear wigs or gowns.
- The defendants are represented by a defence team of three barristers and two solicitors.
- We contend there is available insurance for barristers and solicitor advocates.
- They may be inclined to agree to suggestions put to them by others, or, indeed, by barristers in the courtroom.
- So what is it about politics that attracts so many solicitors and barristers ?
- The barristers , or advocates, wear the garb they would wear in courts in their own homeland.
- They also said there should be reviews of the codes of conduct for barristers and solicitors.
- Should you be able to sue barristers and solicitors who are negligent in acting for you in a legal case?
- There is no reason to fear a flood of negligence suits against barristers .
- A further 50 questionnaires were sent to commercial and construction barristers .