barren - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of barren in Hindi
- बंजर
- बाँझ
- बंध्या
- बांझ
- अनुपजाऊ
- व्यर्थ
- अनुर्वर
- मंद
- ऊसर
- अनुपजाऊ
barren Definition
- (of land) too poor to produce much or any vegetation. ( (भूमि का) बहुत अधिक या किसी वनस्पति का उत्पादन करना।
- (of a place or building) bleak and lifeless. ( (किसी स्थान या भवन का) धुंधला और बेजान। )
- a barren tract or tracts of land. ( एक बंजर पथ या भूमि का पथ। )
barren Example
- A barren fig tree takes up valuable garden space and nutrients that fruitful trees can use. ( एक बंजर अंजीर का पेड़ बहुमूल्य बगीचे स्थान और पोषक तत्व लेता है जिसका उपयोग फलदार पेड़ कर सकते हैं। ))
- If one or two caribou were taken, the group would share the harvest together and then travel even farther into the barren lands. ( यदि एक या दो कारिबू लिया जाता है, तो समूह फसल को एक साथ साझा करेगा और फिर बंजर भूमि में भी दूर तक जाएगा। )
- She stretched as much as she was able and the sun embraced her completely, as much as it was able, diffused by the ugly architecture and the barren trees. ( वह जितना सक्षम था उतना ही फैला और सूरज ने उसे पूरी तरह से गले लगा लिया, जितना वह सक्षम था, बदसूरत वास्तुकला और बंजर पेड़ों द्वारा फैला हुआ था। )
- Your mission is to capture the essence of a scene, not the barren facts. ( आपका मिशन एक दृश्य के सार को पकड़ना है, न कि बंजर तथ्यों को। )
- A fierce competitor whose feistiness has often boiled into rage, the captain, in the absence of Stefan Klos, says the fact this final comes on the back of a barren season means losing is not an option. ( एक भयंकर प्रतियोगी, जिसकी शिथिलता अक्सर गुस्से में उबलती है, कप्तान, स्टीफन क्लोस की अनुपस्थिति में, इस तथ्य को कहते हैं कि यह फाइनल एक बंजर सीज़न के पीछे आता है इसका मतलब है कि हारना एक विकल्प नहीं है। )
- To the early British colonisers, Hong Kong was a barren place. ( शुरुआती ब्रिटिश उपनिवेशवादियों के लिए, हांगकांग एक बंजर जगह थी। )
- An elephant, tired after searching for water, lies in writhing pain on a barren land. ( एक हाथी, पानी की खोज के बाद थक गया, एक बंजर भूमि पर दर्द का सामना कर रहा है। )
- Many too have heard of his marriage to the barren Princess Louise von Stolberg, who bore him no children, blatantly committed adultery and finally separated from him. ( बहुतों ने बंजर राजकुमारी लुईस वॉन स्टोलबर्ग के साथ अपनी शादी के बारे में सुना है, जिसने उन्हें कोई संतान नहीं दी, उन्होंने व्यभिचार किया और अंत में उससे अलग हो गए। )
- Time often blurs memories but I can't recall many times when Rush endured a barren spell. ( समय अक्सर यादों को धुंधला करता है लेकिन मैं कई बार याद नहीं कर सकता जब रश ने एक बंजर जादू को सहन किया। )
More Sentence
- No doubt there is a spiritual egoism, built on barren ideas concerning oneself with no real practice behind them, that one can easily fall into.
- Deeper into the barren city the polished buildings turn to dirty, smudged, rock-like towers, looking as if they were carved roughly out of stone.
- The place was barren and bleak, and as far as she could see it was devoid of any inhabitants.
- The barren trees were in tune with the sense of desolation all around.
- Bolton's recent run of form has come despite a barren spell from Ricketts that has seen him go goalless since January 16.
- Disturbing ewes or sudden changes in diet can cause embryo losses, the result is lower litter sizes and barren ewes.
- The fact that Portsmouth and Wolves returned after similarly barren years no doubt gives them hope.
- The morning sun appeared above the Afghan village, the rays of golden light reaching out across the bleak and barren landscape.
- Many factors have been blamed for the barren spell, the most obvious being the regional politics that blight their domestic game.
- In Act Two the barren Lady Kix, lamenting her childless and unfruitful state, is overhead by Touchwood Senior.
- As a photographer, Ziegler is mostly concerned with capturing human emotion, a story a rusty silo or barren tree can't tell.
- Catriona Boyle and Joanna Kerr give advice on a plague of wild garlic and barren fruit trees.
- To sharpen our vision, Jesus tells a parable about an orchard owner who was frustrated by a barren fig tree and ordered the gardener to cut the tree down.
- What is immediately striking is the lushness of these high pastures - such a contrast to the common perception of Ethiopia as a barren land.
- Most of the land is flat, barren tundra where only the top few inches of the frozen earth thaw out during the summer months.
- The 40-year-old's Singapore success ends a barren spell for the Ryder Cup star.
- He lives in a small fishing village on the coast of Iceland, a bleak, barren place with one or two buildings, a few fussy townsfolk, and a lot of snow and cold.
- Battles took place anywhere from a street in a city to a barren field.
- Teams and drivers sometimes go through a barren spell and, when success fails to come your way, it can lead you to doubt.
- Vassell has recently returned to form after a barren spell with Aston Villa, while Alan Smith, for this writer at least, has failed to hit the heights of the past in an admittedly abject Leeds side.
- The funeral had taken all morning and thousands of angry mourners still milled around the barren cemetery in Gaza.