bang - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bang in Hindi


  • धमाके
  • पीटना
  • बंग
  • ज़ोरदार दस्तक
  • ठोंकना
  • घड़ाका करना


  • गरजना
  • धम से बंद करना


  • घड़ाका करते हुए

bang Definition


  • exactly. ( बिल्कुल सही। )


  • a sudden loud noise. ( अचानक तेज आवाज। )
  • a fringe of hair cut straight across the forehead. ( माथे के आर-पार सीधे कटे बालों का एक फ्रिंज। )
  • an act of sexual intercourse. ( संभोग का एक कार्य। )
  • the character “!”. ( चरित्र "!"। )


  • strike or put down (something) forcefully and noisily, typically in anger or in order to attract attention. ( आमतौर पर गुस्से में या ध्यान आकर्षित करने के लिए जोर से और नीरवता से (कुछ) जोर से प्रहार करना। )
  • cut (hair) in a fringe. ( कट (बाल) एक फ्रिंज में। )
  • used to express or imitate the sound of a sudden loud noise. ( अचानक तेज आवाज की आवाज को व्यक्त करने या उसका अनुकरण करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। )
  • used to convey the suddenness of an action or process. ( किसी क्रिया या प्रक्रिया की अचानकता से अवगत कराते थे। )

bang Example

  • bang in the middle of town ( शहर के बीच में धमाका )
  • Then, all of a sudden, bang , they're going as well. ( फिर, अचानक, धमाके, वे भी जा रहे हैं। )
  • She's bang up to now without kowtowing to fashion, and catches the zeitgeist in a completely individual way. ( वह अब फैशन के लिए kowtowing के बिना, और एक पूरी तरह से व्यक्तिगत तरीके से zeitgeist पकड़ता है। )
  • At exactly 1pm, when the ship was about a mile off Beadnell Point, there was a small bang , followed by a colossal explosion which blew off the bow. ( ठीक दोपहर 1 बजे, जब जहाज बीडनेल पॉइंट से एक मील की दूरी पर था, तब एक छोटा धमाका हुआ, उसके बाद एक विशाल विस्फोट हुआ जिसने धनुष को उड़ा दिया। )
  • He turned and punched the nearest wall with a resounding bang . ( उसने पास की दीवार को एक शानदार बैंग के साथ घुमाया और मुक्का मारा। )
  • Instead he lied and told them that he had heard a bang on the floor, and it was not until many hours after the accident that he told police the truth. ( इसके बजाय उसने झूठ बोला और उन्हें बताया कि उसने फर्श पर धमाके की आवाज सुनी है, और दुर्घटना के कई घंटे बाद तक उसने पुलिस को सच्चाई नहीं बताई। )
  • We are also bang opposite the London Eye, and very close, but I forgot to take pictures of that. ( हम लंदन आई के सामने भी धमाकेदार हैं, और बहुत करीब हैं, लेकिन मैं उस की तस्वीरें लेना भूल गया। )

More Sentence

  • Damn, 57 years loaded with ammo that was 61 years old and it went bang every time.
  • I went to answer a bang on the front door
  • the door slammed with a bang
  • the train arrived bang on time
  • he began to bang the table with his fist
  • I was staring mesmerized at the erratic pfft coming from the brown-paper cylinder when - bang !
  • Slap bang in the heart of Sligo Town, McGarrigles may not be here at the end of 2003, but they are still alive and kicking.
  • party poppers went bang
  • With a loud bang , she slammed into the wall at the bottom of the stairway.
  • All of a sudden, a loud bang erupted from behind him followed by a shriek of pain.
  • Then Chris got a bang on the head and said he would feel better if I kept on kicking anyway.
  • Sugar triggers the release of feel-good hormones into your brain - and, bang , you're fixed.
  • But those who make a living from the sea know that tides don't merely ebb and flow, they crash and bang .
  • House of Fraser had a bang up-to-date Phillips TV at £799.99, half the usual price.
  • So I started up Windows Media Player and, bang , the virus warnings started again, each time telling me the darn thing had been deleted.
  • I go to Hreod Parkway normally but I was worried that people might bang into my back.
  • A loud bang occurred when he slammed onto the hard, solid ground on his back.
  • I was casting out my spinner and next thing, bang !
  • I put my head on the table and began to rhythmically bang it.
  • The wing-back suffered a bang on the hip in training and while he would probably have been fit to face his former club he now has more time to recover.
  • He took a bang on his head as he landed and someone must have told him he was Lev Yashin as the keeper got better.
  • He returned, and began to noisily bang his spoon on the table to distract Al-Allaf, who ignored him and continued to read out loud.
  • Presented by Ian Wright, Spy TV brings the hidden-camera format bang up-to-date.