bluish - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bluish in Hindi
- नीला सा
- नीला सा
- नीलाभ
bluish Definition
- having a blue tinge; somewhat blue. ( एक नीली रंगत; कुछ हद तक नीला। )
bluish Example
- On his forehead resides a swollen, bluish bruise that is most likely throbbing painfully. ( उसके माथे पर एक सूजी हुई, फूली हुई खरोंच दिखाई देती है जो सबसे ज्यादा दर्द वाली धड़कन होती है। )
- It is pitch black on its upper part, lined with a bluish purple hue. ( यह अपने ऊपरी हिस्से पर पिच काला है, एक नीले बैंगनी रंग के साथ पंक्तिवाला है। )
- Yes, under certain atmospheric conditions the Moon in the sky may attain a somewhat bluish tinge, but that is irrelevant. ( हां, कुछ वायुमंडलीय स्थितियों के तहत आकाश में चंद्रमा कुछ हद तक धुंधले रंग का हो सकता है, लेकिन यह अप्रासंगिक है। )
- He was pasty pale in the face as if he was ill, and his thick, swollen lips had a bluish tinge. ( वह चेहरे पर पेस्टी पीला था जैसे कि वह बीमार था, और उसके मोटे, सूजे हुए होठों पर नीले रंग की झुनझुनी थी। )
- Varieties with bluish or purplish leaves are hardier than those with greener leaves. ( हरे या मुरझाये पत्तों वाली किस्में हरियाली के पत्तों की तुलना में सख्त होती हैं। )
- He has no hair of any kind anywhere and his shirtless chest shows that his skin has a bluish tinge to it! ( उसके पास कहीं भी किसी भी प्रकार का कोई बाल नहीं है और उसकी शर्टलेस छाती से पता चलता है कि उसकी त्वचा पर नीले रंग की धार है! )
- Some New Zealand lichen dyes produced other colours like bluish purples. ( न्यूजीलैंड के कुछ लाइकेन रंगों ने नीले रंग के प्यूरी जैसे अन्य रंगों का उत्पादन किया। )
- Just weeks ago, Beth was suffering from alarming blue spells in which her body would have a bluish tinge brought on a lack of oxygen to her heart. ( कुछ ही हफ्ते पहले, बेथ खतरनाक नीले मंत्र से पीड़ित था, जिसमें उसके शरीर में ऑक्सीजन की कमी के कारण लाया गया एक नीला रंग होगा। )
More Sentence
- A slight, bluish light sprung down upon a darkened figure seated thirty feet from me.
- His face was lean and hungry, topped with black hair that held a bluish tinge.
- The dark bluish liquid was not disturbed for the last several hours.
- He hid them behind his back, clutching both wrists with slightly bluish fingers.
- The sky faded from the dark bluish purple of twilight, to the bright white color of a pearl before her eyes.
- A nice mass of purple, red and bluish flowers were ready to leave the florist's place.
- I could see him clearly through his luminous bluish mist, his blue eyes watching me with worry.
- Her hair drifted around her face in the soft, chilly breeze, almost purple in the bluish night.
- It was a pair of Pyjamas, typical pale faded blue and blueish white stripes.
- She will always have a blueish tinge and she gets a little bit breathless.
- Also, the curtains themselves are not completely opaque, so that the light shows through as two slightly blueish areas against the blackness.
- A shadow fell across the shower curtain, as Jenny walked into the room, a horrible blueish tinge to her skin.