awe-inspiring - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of awe-inspiring in Hindi
- विस्मय प्रेरणादायक
awe-inspiring Definition
- arousing awe through being impressive, formidable, or magnificent. ( प्रभावशाली, दुर्जेय, या शानदार होने के कारण विस्मय होता है। )
awe-inspiring Example
- Sleeping out in the African bush under a sickle moon is one of the most awe-inspiring experiences - as long as you have a choice, of course. ( एक बीमार चंद्रमा के नीचे अफ्रीकी झाड़ी में सोते हुए सबसे विस्मयकारी अनुभवों में से एक है - जब तक आपके पास एक विकल्प है, तब तक। )
- The Boschian art direction here is impressive, with awe-inspiring architecture and angry, blackened skies. ( बोस्चियन कला निर्देशन प्रभावशाली है, विस्मयकारी वास्तुकला और गुस्से में, काला आसमान। )
- The city has the most awe-inspiring skyline in the world. ( शहर में दुनिया में सबसे विस्मयकारी क्षितिज है। )
- This restaurant reportedly has top-notch seafood, slick service and awe-inspiring decor. ( इस रेस्तरां में कथित तौर पर समुद्री भोजन, चालाक सेवा और विस्मयकारी सजावट है। )
- This awe-inspiring achievement comes with some appropriately impressive scientific equipment. ( यह विस्मयकारी उपलब्धि कुछ उचित रूप से प्रभावशाली वैज्ञानिक उपकरणों के साथ आती है। )
More Sentence
- I can stare at this masterpiece for hours, seeing something new and awe-inspiring in the picture every day.
- He wasn't given to being easily impressed, but she was an awe-inspiring sight.
- It makes you wonder if the Minister yawned before issuing that awe-inspiring comment.
- Against such an awe-inspiring backdrop it's impossible not to look amazing, and they did.
- The result is awe-inspiring and beautiful: the largest piece of functional sculpture you will ever see.
- From the heights of the extraordinary and awe-inspiring they return to the ordinary.
- Immortalized, but he ain't gonna be scribbling no more awe-inspiring lyrics in a hurry.
- The variety of problems and progress reported on was awe-inspiring .
- Do we have a sudden urge to squeeze our lover when we look out on a sunset, an awe-inspiring vista or a dreamy landscape?
- America still churns with many fierce, and amazing, and awe-inspiring things, from all over the place.
- The choreographed lights to the music created an awe-inspiring spectacle as the orchestra and singers played and sang.
- Yet ineptitude at the back could not entirely explain away this truly awe-inspiring spectacle.
- Flying over the high mountain ranges emphasises why road travel is so tortuous, but the sight of these peaks and ravines is awe-inspiring .
- He didn't need to see James' face to picture the incredulous expression with awe-inspiring clarity.
- It speaks of his spectacular success, and of his equally awe-inspiring killing.