atomic - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of atomic in Hindi
- परमाणु
- आणविक
- एटमी
- परमाणु-संबंधी
- परमाणु-विषयक
atomic Definition
- of or relating to an atom or atoms. ( या एक परमाणु या परमाणुओं से संबंधित है। )
atomic Example
- The atomic fallout is still falling, a silent, ominous dust that isn't remarked upon, only suggested. ( परमाणु पतन अभी भी गिर रहा है, एक मूक, अशुभ धूल है जिस पर टिप्पणी नहीं की गई है, केवल सुझाव दिया गया है। )
- One strategy for studying phase transitions is to sweep aside all the intricacy of atomic or molecular structure and build the simplest model that exhibits the behavior of interest. ( चरण संक्रमणों का अध्ययन करने के लिए एक रणनीति परमाणु या आणविक संरचना की सभी गहनता को अलग करना और सबसे सरल मॉडल का निर्माण करना है जो ब्याज के व्यवहार को प्रदर्शित करता है। )
- It is precisely those features which are undesirable in a nuclear reactor that are vital in an atomic weapon. ( यह ठीक वैसी विशेषताएं हैं जो परमाणु रिएक्टर में अवांछनीय हैं जो परमाणु हथियार में महत्वपूर्ण हैं। )
- Nuclear fusion is sort of the Holy Grail of energy production, whereby atomic nuclei slam together at high temperatures, fuse and release a great deal of energy. ( परमाणु संलयन ऊर्जा उत्पादन के पवित्र कंघी बनानेवाले की रेती की तरह है, जिससे परमाणु नाभिक उच्च तापमान पर एक साथ घुलते हैं, फ्यूज करते हैं और ऊर्जा का एक बड़ा सौदा छोड़ते हैं। )
- Nanotechnology is the study and manipulation of materials on atomic and molecular scales measured in billionths of a meter. ( नैनोटेक्नोलॉजी एक मीटर के अरबों में मापे गए परमाणु और आणविक तराजू पर सामग्रियों का अध्ययन और हेरफेर है। )
More Sentence
- The strike against Hiroshima on 6 August 1945 signaled the beginning of the atomic age and a revolution in strategic affairs.
- This device was originally used to map surfaces at the atomic level by using a single atom held at the tip of a probe.
- Scientists have broken water down to its atomic material.
- Whilst we are a long way away from turning lead into gold, science at the atomic level, or nanotechnology, is with us already.
- Because of its weak interaction with atomic nuclei, the neutrino travels freely through any material object and is very difficult to observe.
- This was the first film to suggest that mankind will have to conquer its destructive nature and control its atomic weapons if it ever wants to join the rest of the peace-loving Universe.
- It was a dream in which man cast off his atomic individuality, as the lycanthrope surrendered to the multiplicity of the wolf pack.
- Later, Rutherford also discovered the atomic nucleus and the proton.
- The human community, as he conceives it, is neither a mere juxtaposition of atomic individuals nor a superorganism living its own life apart from the individual members.
- Has your recipe for nuclear fuel changed much since the birth of the atomic age?
- For low-resolution data, it is not necessary to consider the whole set of individual atomic positions.
- We can scoff now at the innocence of the early atomic age when we were all advised that in a nuclear attack it was safe to hide under the kitchen table.
- In conventional superconductors, atomic vibrations induce the electron pairing.
- The latter half of the twentieth century has opened to scientists an entirely new world: the world of atomic and subatomic particles.
- Dispersed material may range in size from particles of atomic and molecular dimensions to particles whose size is measured in millimeters.
- At that temperature, the gas has enough energy to excite molecular hydrogen but not atomic hydrogen.
- ‘To me a table is a bowl of Jello,’ he says, a reference to the constant jitters that occur on the atomic level.
- All substances occur in atomic form, each atom being eternal and indestructible.
- Robert Oppenheimer, one of the scientists who created the American atomic bomb, characterized the atomic age as like two scorpions trapped in a glass jar.
- An atomic orbital is the region around the nucleus of an atom where an electron of a particular energy is most likely to be found.
- That the cooperation with the Kremlin had limits was shown in the Manhattan Project, the secret Anglo-American effort to acquire an atomic weapon before the Germans.
- Computational docking and fitting techniques have been developed to assemble the atomic structures of their components.
- Particles from the atomic realm such as photons, electrons or atoms are fired at the first plate, which has two vertical slits in it.
- The team has used gases such as ethanol to prevent oxidation and atomic oxygen or hydrogen to remove contamination and provide in-situ cleaning.
- Its output of particles (electrons, protons, ions and atomic nuclei) is approximately one million tonnes per second.