at all events - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of at all events in Hindi

  • सभी घटनाओं पर
  • हर हाल में
  • हर सूरत में
  • हर हालत में

at all events Definition

  • whatever happens or may have happened.

at all events Example

  • The events of the last few days coupled with the dread of the unknown future were taking their toll. ( पिछले कुछ दिनों की घटनाओं के साथ-साथ अज्ञात भविष्य का भय भी भारी पड़ रहा था। )
  • That's the real chain of events. ( यही घटनाओं की वास्तविक श्रृंखला है। )
  • She, too, was rattled by the events of the night. ( वह भी रात की घटना से सहम गई। )
  • I've pondered the events of those few months so often and so deeply I know if I don't at least commit the experience to paper I'll never move forward. ( मैंने उन कुछ महीनों की घटनाओं पर इतनी बार और इतनी गहराई से विचार किया है कि मुझे पता है कि अगर मैं कम से कम अनुभव को कागज पर नहीं उतारूंगा तो मैं कभी आगे नहीं बढ़ूंगा। )

More Sentence

  • At all events the rent from them must have been very considerable.
  • First aid stations also will be in operation at all events.
  • "The dollar can, at all events, become a bit stronger, " said Tietmeyer.
  • Spectators are welcome at all events; there is no admission charge.
  • "My Lords, this is not a fit subject, at all events, for contempt.
  • Boris worked as a photographer almost at all events at the Red Square.
  • He inclines toward its rejection; at all events, to its limitation.
  • The recent chain of events made it impossible for her to deny something serious was going on, and she was somehow involved.
  • I'm still not certain it'll work, but that chain of events is in motion.
  • Recent events forced my hand.
  • In desperation, the goddess made a series of deals with the former Dark One, Fate, Darkyn and others to alter the series of events that might see her with anyone but Gabriel.