assertion - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of assertion in Hindi

  • अभिकथन

assertion Definition

  • a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief. ( तथ्य या विश्वास का एक आश्वस्त और सशक्त कथन। )

assertion Example

  • That can be the only basis for the assertion that the safety issue is a myth. ( यह दावा करने का एकमात्र आधार हो सकता है कि सुरक्षा मुद्दा एक मिथक है। )
  • That was a novel and quite astounding assertion at that stage of human legal development. ( यह एक उपन्यास था और मानव कानूनी विकास के उस स्तर पर काफी चौंकाने वाला था। )
  • It is usually regarded as an assertion that we are all the same under the skin. ( यह आमतौर पर एक मुखर माना जाता है कि हम सभी त्वचा के नीचे समान हैं। )
  • If not, doesn't this simply verify the assertion that such orders are a joke in this Internet age? ( यदि नहीं, तो क्या यह इस दावे की पुष्टि करता है कि इस इंटरनेट युग में इस तरह के आदेश एक मजाक हैं? )
  • Nor has any evidence been made public as of this writing to justify the prime minister's assertion . ( न ही प्रधानमंत्री के दावे को सही ठहराने के लिए इस लेखन के बारे में कोई सबूत सार्वजनिक किया गया है। )
  • Free will, as I understand it, is the assertion that a person is the cause of their own actions. ( स्वतंत्र इच्छा, जैसा कि मैं इसे समझता हूं, यह दावा है कि एक व्यक्ति अपने स्वयं के कार्यों का कारण है। )

More Sentence

  • Anyone who disagrees with this assertion should of course be ready for my temper tantrum.
  • Whether this assertion is accurate is of course a different matter.
  • Any objective scrutiny of the list of banned organisations makes a mockery of this last assertion .
  • This last assertion is one of the simplest paradoxes of liberalism.
  • At the function that I attended, too, a number of articles spoke of this assertion on their past.
  • This is the polite version of the assertion that there is nothing so absurd that some philosopher has not said it.
  • the assertion of his legal rights
  • I showed that none of the archival references in her footnotes supported this assertion .
  • his assertion that his father had deserted the family
  • Each time he gets a black cube it confirms the assertion that all six cubes are black.
  • This amounts, of course, to an assertion that we can easily put aside economic law.
  • Moreover, the assertion that moral agency confers special moral status is itself quite debatable.
  • This disproves the assertion that tyranny is impossible to impose on an armed population.
  • He is criticizing the assertion that to weigh more than that is to be obese.
  • There may be room for the assertion that the bailiff was not tactful and that his firmness and size intimidated those in that room.
  • The events since the last two elections support this assertion , a point to which I will return.
  • This has lead to the assertion that a butterfly flapping its wings in Japan may affect the weather in Europe within a week or two.
  • Finally, the assertion that everything happens by necessity seems to leave the whole of morality in doubt.
  • I politely disagree with the assertion that it was didactic and lengthy.
  • No documentation was produced to verify that assertion , nor was her son called as a witness at trial.
  • As for her assertion that our community leaders are working towards cohesion, I should think they are!
  • The working class at home is beginning to be starved, and is being buoyed up with the assertion that this is the last great war.
  • Imposing such a ban requires far more compelling logic than the assertion that we should not play God.
  • The amount of water used to put out the twelve minute bonfire proves this assertion .