aspect - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of aspect in Hindi
- पहलू
- स्वरूप
- पक्ष
- रूप
- भाव
- आकृति
- छवि
aspect Definition
- a particular part or feature of something. ( किसी वस्तु का विशेष भाग या विशेषता। )
- the positioning of a building or thing in a specified direction. ( एक निर्दिष्ट दिशा में एक इमारत या चीज की स्थिति। )
- (of a planet) form an aspect with (another celestial body). ( (किसी ग्रह के) एक पहलू (दूसरा खगोलीय पिंड) के साथ। )
aspect Example
- Completing the downstairs accommodation is a dual aspect dining room with another Adam-style fireplace and a bedroom which is currently used as a study. ( नीचे के आवास को पूरा करना एक आदम-शैली की चिमनी और एक बेडरूम के साथ एक दोहरी पहलू भोजन कक्ष है जो वर्तमान में एक अध्ययन के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता है। )
- the team were excellent in every aspect ( टीम हर पहलू में उत्कृष्ट थी )
- I like the technical aspect of the work ( मुझे काम का तकनीकी पहलू पसंद है )
- she had a terrifying aspect ( वह एक भयानक पहलू था )
- the financial aspect can be overstressed ( वित्तीय पहलू को प्रभावित किया जा सकता है )
- Across the hall is the master bedroom, which enjoys a south-westerly aspect and has high ceilings. ( हॉल के उस पार मास्टर बेडरूम है, जो दक्षिण-पश्चिम दिशा में है और ऊंची छतें हैं। )
- It clarifies how developing inflections, particularly tense markers, align with aspect categories and how this association varies across proficiency level. ( यह स्पष्ट करता है कि कैसे विकासशील विभक्तियों, विशेष रूप से तनाव मार्करों, पहलू श्रेणियों के साथ संरेखित करें और यह एसोसिएशन प्रवीणता के स्तर पर कैसे भिन्न होता है। )
- the garden has a sunny aspect ( बगीचे में धूप का एक पहलू है )
- This is a viewpoint sandwich stop with a southerly aspect . ( यह एक आलीशान सैंडविच स्टॉप है, जिसमें एक छोटा पहलू है। )
- To the right, the dual aspect living/dining room runs the length of the property, is decorated in neutral tones and includes a marble fireplace. ( दाईं ओर, रहने वाले / भोजन कक्ष का दोहरा पहलू संपत्ति की लंबाई को चलाता है, इसे तटस्थ स्वर में सजाया जाता है और इसमें संगमरमर की चिमनी शामिल है। )
- The building has a northern aspect , with no apparent connection or doorway to the south, where the walls are built against bedrock. ( इमारत का एक उत्तरी पहलू है, जिसमें कोई स्पष्ट कनेक्शन या दक्षिण का द्वार नहीं है, जहां दीवारों को बेडरेक के खिलाफ बनाया गया है। )
More Sentence
- The dual aspect dining room is wallpapered in rich green and has views to both the front and rear.
- Also, your progressed moon at 11 Taurus is making a trine aspect to your natal Uranus in Virgo.
- The dual aspect master bedroom has a dormer window overlooking the front garden and a Velux window to the rear.
- the semantics of tense and aspect
- The former bears a trine aspect to Leo, the sign of the Sun, the latter bears the same agreeable relationship to Cancer, the sign of the Moon.
- A large window with a sunny aspect overlooks the rear garden.
- A huge glass roof gives an interesting aspect to the bar area.
- The dual aspect master bedroom extends the length of the property and is fitted with a tiled fireplace and a wooden wardrobe with overhead presses.
- The tense, aspect , or voice of verbs in academic writing often seems to be related to degrees of generality or relevance or to signal discourse functions like transition or foregrounding.
- Much of complexity in the use of tense and aspect in English derives from the fact that the categories of perfective and imperfective allow a number of subcategories.
- he never revealed that aspect of his personality
- To the right of the entrance hall is a dual aspect drawing room extending the depth of the house and featuring an Adams-style marble fireplace.
- Slope aspect or direction of exposure may also influence surface runoff.
- To the right, the dual aspect living room overlooks the front garden through a bay window and has a picture window to the back.
- So there's a striking contrast between the grim aspect of the kitchens and vaults at ground floor level, and the movement of space and light at first-floor level and above.
- The curved feature of the exhibition has been designed to offset the northerly aspect of the building's position.
- a greenhouse with a southern aspect
- Outside, the delightful wooded gardens have extensive river frontage and a sunny aspect .
- the window had a lovely aspect over the city