arcade - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of arcade in Hindi
- आर्केड
- वीथिका
- वृक्षों से ढंका हुआ मार्ग
- तोरणवीथि
- तोरणपंक्ति
- तोरणपथ
- महराबदार रास्ता
- तोरणावृत्त मार्ग
arcade Definition
- a covered passageway with arches along one or both sides. ( एक या दोनों तरफ मेहराबों से ढका हुआ मार्ग। )
arcade Example
- On the other side of the arcade , Melissa and Joseph played Street Fighter ( आर्केड के दूसरी तरफ, मेलिसा और जोसेफ ने स्ट्रीट फाइटर खेला )
- The arcade of shops in the middle of Silver End is to be sold once a development brief has been agreed by the landowner, Braintree Council. ( सिल्वर एंड के बीच में दुकानों के आर्केड को एक बार बेचा जाना है, जब एक विकास संक्षिप्त ज़मींदार, ब्रेनट्री काउंसिल द्वारा सहमति दी गई है। )
- It's tucked away in a little arcade , four minutes walk from the town centre. ( यह शहर के केंद्र से चार मिनट की पैदल दूरी पर एक छोटे से आर्केड में है। )
- Farmers sell their melons and other locally-grown produce on Saturday mornings, and an arcade with classic Spanish-style stone arches runs along one side. ( किसान शनिवार की सुबह अपने खरबूजे और अन्य स्थानीय रूप से उगाए जाने वाले उत्पाद बेचते हैं, और क्लासिक स्पेनिश शैली के पत्थर के मेहराब वाला एक आर्केड साथ-साथ चलता है। )
- The arcade where our little shop is has been earmarked for development. ( आर्केड जहां हमारी छोटी दुकान को विकास के लिए रखा गया है। )
- Moves to demolish Stonegate Walk - the L-shaped arcade of 23 shops linked by alleyways to Stonegate and Blake Street - began yesterday. ( स्टोनगेट वॉक को ध्वस्त करने का कदम - गली-गली और ब्लेक स्ट्रीट से गली-मोहल्लों से जुड़ी 23 दुकानों का एल-आकार का आर्केड - कल शुरू हुआ। )
- The yelling wasn't uncommon, the arcade was half full, and the owner of the arcade was watching a TV with the volume turned up. ( चिल्लाना असामान्य नहीं था, आर्केड आधा भरा हुआ था, और आर्केड का मालिक एक टीवी देख रहा था जिसमें वॉल्यूम बदल गया था। )
- The arcade leads through to a playground, also designed by the students. ( आर्केड एक खेल के मैदान की ओर जाता है, जिसे छात्रों द्वारा भी डिज़ाइन किया गया है। )
More Sentence
- As a result, nobody, including the owner of the building, has the right to block walkways under an arcade by putting up vending stalls, they said.
- The Gaiety, Marshalls Amusements and another arcade all applied for planning permission and got it, but can go no further with the project until the Government makes a decision over licences.
- The arcade became an important passageway between Fox Street and the square.
- I recognized a couple of people from school as I followed Adam into the arcade .
- The traditional gallery house had covered spaces that opened to the outside through a colonnade or arcade .
- This brings the fun of the arcade into your living room.
- Down the long walkway were two dance clubs, an arcade , a bar, and the casino.
- A covered arcade and walkway could be created to link the supermarket to the main market area and the area outside the east of the covered market could feature a coffee shop and terrace.
- On her way home she walked past the arcade of shops that lined the quiet street.
- They ran ahead to a small restaurant called Frankie's where there was an arcade , a ball pit, a laser tag arena and great food.
- It was gallery time now, so they crossed the river again, skirted round the cheap shops which ruined the arcade , and began to climb up one of the narrow streets that wound their way up the hill to the Church of St John.
- a shopping arcade
- We were friends for a year or two, and I used to love hanging out at his mom's bakery to get free cookies and playing at the arcade next door.
- The Dixieland Jazz Band played background music, while people browsed the arcade 's shops, including a hair salon, a home furnishing shop and a travel agents
- It has a restaurant, a bowling alley, an arcade and a pool hall.
- This year's grotto opens on the lower arcade in Canal Walk in the Brunel Centre at 11 am on Saturday.
- For him, the arcade was extra money, as the game selling side always made more.
- In contrast to the Dungeon, the arcade has darker lighting, but they have brighter colours.
- A room like an arcade where students, during free time, can play games alone or against each other.
- And they designed a market square to help invigorate the city, connecting it to a nearby shopping center through a glass arcade .
- A few months ago we installed computers and Internet dial-up connections for public access at the arcade and in some of the houses.
- It's odd, but the ongoing process of pattern memorization and practiced skill seems more strenuous in my living room than in the arcade .