disordered - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of disordered in Hindi

  • बेक़ायदा

disordered Definition


  • not neatly arranged; confused and untidy.

disordered Example

  • A patient who is mentally disordered ( मानसिक रूप से विक्षिप्त रोगी )
  • They were, however, so disordered by their victory that they were compelled to halt and refit. ( हालाँकि, वे अपनी जीत से इतने अव्यवस्थित थे कि उन्हें रुकने और मरम्मत करने के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ा। )
  • However, for him the starting point of a "pathway" is the presence of disordered behavior patterns. ( हालांकि, उसके लिए "मार्ग" का प्रारंभिक बिंदु अव्यवस्थित व्यवहार पैटर्न की उपस्थिति है। )
  • This history, as we now have it, is extracted from various sources of unequal value, which are fitted together in a way which offers considerable difficulties to the critic. In the history of David's early adventures, for example, the narrative is not seldom disordered, and sometimes seems to repeat itself with puzzling variations of detail, which have led critics to the unanimous conclusion that the First Book of Samuel is drawn from at least two sources. ( यह इतिहास, जैसा कि अब हमारे पास है, असमान मूल्य के विभिन्न स्रोतों से निकाला गया है, जो इस तरह से एक साथ फिट हैं जो आलोचक को काफी कठिनाइयाँ प्रदान करता है। डेविड के शुरुआती कारनामों के इतिहास में, उदाहरण के लिए, कथा शायद ही कभी अव्यवस्थित नहीं होती है, और कभी-कभी विस्तार की अजीब विविधताओं के साथ खुद को दोहराती है, जिसने आलोचकों को सर्वसम्मति से निष्कर्ष निकाला है कि शमूएल की पहली पुस्तक कम से कम दो से ली गई है स्रोत। )

More Sentence

  • When group differences have been found, panic disorder patients have exhibited greater vagal reactivity than depressed patients, anxiety disordered patients, or controls.
  • The advantage of position being thus lost, the Spanish infantry rose and flung itself on the attackers; the landsknechts and the French bands were disordered by the fury of the counterstroke, being unaccustomed to deal with the swift, leaping, and crouching attack of swordsmen with bucklers.
  • 4 According to this text Saul was simply possessed with such a personal dislike and dread of Conflicts with David as might easily occupy his disordered brain.
  • The affair seems to have been well planned up to a certain point, and well executed; but the Athenian van, flushed with a first success, their ranks broken and disordered by a pursuit of the enemy over rough ground, were repulsed with great loss by a body of heavy-armed Boeotians, and driven back in disorder
  • The fugitives of Orlov's command disordered the on-coming corps of Stakelberg, and the outer flank of the great counterstroke that was to have rolled up Kuroki's thin line came to an entire standstill.
  • Thus, adverse postnatal experience could contribute significantly to disordered development; enriching experiences, on the other hand, could potentially facilitate survival of neurons and synapses.
  • It is, however, charged at one time during this period that his finances were disordered, and his private life not above suspicion.
  • she went to comb her disordered hair