anorexic - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of anorexic in Hindi
- अरुचि संबंधी या अरुचिग्रस्त
anorexic Definition
- relating to, characterized by, or suffering from anorexia. ( एनोरेक्सिया से संबंधित, द्वारा विशेषता, या पीड़ित है। )
- a person suffering from anorexia. ( एनोरेक्सिया से पीड़ित व्यक्ति। )
- a medicine that produces a loss of appetite. ( एक दवा जो भूख कम कर देती है। )
anorexic Example
- She raised one of those pointlessly anorexic cigarettes to her pouting lips and leaned in closer to me. ( वह उन बिंदुओं में से एक को अनाथ सिगरेट के रूप में उठाती हुई अपने होठों तक ले गई और मेरे करीब झुक गई। )
- Ongoing inpatient psychotherapy helps to dismantle the anorexic belief system. ( असंगत मनोचिकित्सा पर जाने से एनोरेक्सिक विश्वास प्रणाली को खत्म करने में मदद मिलती है। )
- The difference is that the anorexic young woman has anorexic thinking and feeling influencing every decision and action in her life. She is often very afraid. ( अंतर यह है कि एनोरेक्सिक युवती को अपने जीवन में हर निर्णय और कार्य को प्रभावित करने वाली एनोरेक्सिक सोच और भावना होती है। वह अक्सर बहुत डरती है। )
- Massage reduced anxiety in depressed children and anorexic women. ( मालिश से अवसादग्रस्त बच्चों और एनोरेक्सिक महिलाओं में चिंता कम हो गई। )
- It is not even precipitate to say that our chances of European qualification are slim, going on anorexic . ( यह कहना भी नहीं है कि यूरोपीय योग्यता के बारे में हमारी संभावनाएं कम नहीं हैं, एनोरेक्सिक हैं। )
- It has been alleged these women have anorexia - as have countless other celebs over the years - so are we suggesting it is good to be anorexic ? ( यह आरोप लगाया गया है कि इन महिलाओं में एनोरेक्सिया है - जैसा कि वर्षों में अनगिनत अन्य सेलेब्स हैं - तो क्या हम यह सुझाव दे रहे हैं कि एनोरेक्सिक होना अच्छा है? )
- Can you even be anorexic and bulimic at the same time? ( क्या आप एक ही समय में एनोरेक्सिक और बुलिमिक भी हो सकते हैं? )
- Yet, her arms were so thin and bony that Sandra was reminded of the anorexic girl from her math class, the one that dreamed of being a ballerina, but later on had to be hospitalized for her food disorder. ( फिर भी, उसकी बाहें इतनी पतली और उभरी हुई थीं कि सैंड्रा को उसकी गणित की कक्षा से एनोरेक्सिक लड़की की याद दिला दी गई थी, जो एक बैलेरीना होने का सपना देखती थी, लेकिन बाद में उसे अपने भोजन विकार के लिए अस्पताल में भर्ती होना पड़ा। )
- The original had a thin premise and an anorexic plot, but delivered brilliantly choreographed fight scenes and downplayed gun violence. ( मूल में एक पतला आधार और एनोरेक्सिक प्लॉट था, लेकिन शानदार रूप से कोरियोग्राफेड फाइट दृश्यों और डाउनप्लेड गन हिंसा को जन्म दिया। )
- A group treatment program was designed for anorexic clients attending a multidisciplinary, outpatient eating disorders clinic in a general hospital. ( एक समूह उपचार कार्यक्रम को एक सामान्य अस्पताल में एक बहु-विषयक, बाह्य भोजन विकारों क्लिनिक में भाग लेने वाले एनोरेक्सिक ग्राहकों के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया था। )
More Sentence
- About 3% of these go too far, and become anorexic or bulimic
- Amazingly tall and thin, but not anorexic in the way that some of the papers would have us all believe, she oozes charm from every pore, holding court beside the director of the film Anthony Minghella.
- Meanwhile, one group of patients continues to worry clinicians and researchers: adults with anorexia, estimated to make up about 35 percent of anorexic patients.
- Erin had been a very thin and somewhat sickly girl, supposedly anorexic or bulimic.
- Women with bulimic or anorexic female relatives are four to five times more likely to develop the disorder, and twin studies reveal that the genetic risk factor may be as high as 58 percent.
- When I was at college there was a girl who went around telling everyone that she was anorexic .
- No matter how thin the anorexic gets, she sees herself as fat and stops at nothing to get thinner.
- When it came to anorexic or bulimic girls, I wouldn't book them until they got better.
- Earlier at the hospital, we were informed that Samantha had been anorexic and bulimic.
- In the case of an anorexic patient, the guardian would approve resuscitation and psychiatric interventions.
- Families are distressed by the anorexic behavior, which resists both entreaties and threats.
- Looking at contexts where lightness is celebrated in music, literature and the arts one writer suggests anorexic behaviour is more than a pattern of psychiatric symptoms.
- They have to be above 5 ft 6 inches and must be thin, not anorexic though.
- He eventually became anorexic and then bulimic.
- Other variations of eating disorders occur, such as purging without bingeing, chewing and spitting without purging, and anorexic behavior with less severe weight loss.
- Dr Bratman believes that people who are obsessed with eating ‘healthily’ have a real problem, and should be taken as seriously as an anorexic or bulimic.
- In addition, an effort was made to assess the likelihood that lesions induced by anorectic agents could progress despite cessation of therapy.
- Arguably, an insatiable quest for perfection might be said to characterize not only most anorexics but most designers, too.
- Drug addicts, alcoholics, bulimics, anorexics , and sex addicts line up to claim social causes of their problems.
- Some of the youngest sufferers are the children of anorexics and bulimics, many of whom raise their families with bizarre attitudes towards food.