ankle - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of ankle in Hindi

  • टखने
  • टखना
  • गुल्फ
  • टकना
  • जुल्फ-संधि

ankle Definition


  • the joint connecting the foot with the leg. ( पैर को पैर से जोड़ने वाला जोड़। )


  • leave. ( छोड़ना। )
  • flex the ankles while cycling in order to increase pedaling efficiency. ( पेडलिंग दक्षता बढ़ाने के लिए साइकिल चलाते समय एड़ियों को फ्लेक्स करें। )

ankle Example

  • I'd been walking on the bad ankle a lot tonight, and it was definitely letting me know. ( मैं आज रात बुरी टखने पर चल रहा था, और यह निश्चित रूप से मुझे बता रहा था। )
  • The pump fills the sleeves with air and gently squeezes the leg, squeezing from ankle to calf to thigh. ( पंप हवा के साथ आस्तीन भरता है और धीरे से पैर को निचोड़ता है, टखने से बछड़े तक जांघ को निचोड़ता है। )
  • He happens to have a sprained ankle - wrapped in a brace - that won't heal because he won't stop riding. ( वह एक मोच आ टखने के लिए होता है - एक ब्रेस में लिपटे - वह ठीक नहीं होगा क्योंकि वह सवारी करना बंद नहीं करेगा। ) 
  • Even the prospect of getting my trousers soaked in freezing rain from mid thigh to ankle doesn't put me off. ( यहां तक ​​कि मेरे जांघों को मिडिल जांघ से टखने तक की बारिश में भिगोने की संभावना ने मुझे दूर नहीं किया। )
  • How accurate are the Ottawa rules for ankle and foot injuries? ( टखने और पैर की चोटों के लिए ओटावा नियम कितने सही हैं? )
  • I had a sprained ankle at the time and couldn't run. ( मेरे पास उस समय मोच आ गई थी और वह दौड़ नहीं सकता था। )
  • Brady suffered a traumatic brain injury and injuries to her left shoulder, left arm, back, neck, knee, ankle , pelvis and ribs. ( ब्रैडी को दिमागी चोट और उसके बाएं कंधे, बाएं हाथ, पीठ, गर्दन, घुटने, टखने, श्रोणि और पसलियों में चोटें आईं। )
  • During this interval there is rapid plantar flexion of the ankle joint due to concentric contraction of the triceps surae muscle. ( इस अंतराल के दौरान ट्राइसेप्स सुरै मांसपेशी के संकेंद्रित संकुचन के कारण टखने के जोड़ का तेजी से तल का लचीलापन होता है। )
  • The knee, ankle , spine, leg, and groin were the most common injury locations. ( घुटने, टखने, रीढ़, पैर और कमर में सबसे आम चोट के स्थान थे। )
  • an ankle injury ( टखने की चोट )
  • Your front thigh should be parallel to the floor and your calf straight above your ankle ; your back leg should be almost to the floor. ( आपकी सामने की जांघ फर्श के समानांतर होनी चाहिए और आपका बछड़ा सीधे आपके टखने से ऊपर होना चाहिए; आपका पिछला पैर लगभग फर्श पर होना चाहिए। )

More Sentence

  • ankle socks
  • we can ankle off to a new locale
  • She didn't even bother looking at him. Her ankle still throbbed from her previous fall and her favourite dress was now in tatters.
  • Lateral ligament injuries to the ankle joint are common among athletes.
  • They all want to be the first to have a full body suit: that is, to be covered from neck to ankle in tattoos.
  • If you don't like a normal, strong side hip carry, then try something like a shoulder rig, ankle or pocket holster.
  • Jennie fell downstairs, breaking her ankle
  • Wrist, arm or ankle fractures account for 50 percent of injuries.
  • Fortunately, the disease only affects my left side - hip, knee and ankle .
  • The company doctor tells him that he'll be laid up for months with a severe ankle and foot injury.
  • Gil had a sprained ankle , and Wooten underwent surgery on his right thumb in March.
  • He has his diamonds and ankle weights on and he's going for a jog.
  • The load fell on the young worker's legs causing serious injury to the right ankle and left foot.
  • She winced as the cuts, bruises and sprained ankle she had got as a parting gift from her former employer complained loudly.
  • Mid calf or longer skirts even to ankle was the norm.
  • These two bones together link the leg to the foot at the ankle joint, although it is the tibia which carries all the weight.
  • The protective high top slows down ankles as it prevents them from getting re-injured.
  • I stood in the center of the room, up to my ankles in cool ferns.
  • Can someone please help me to understand "ankling" and whether it is a desirable way to pedal, i.e. does ankling provide a more "rounded" pedal stroke?