anglophone - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of anglophone in Hindi
- एंग्लोफोन
anglophone Definition
- an English-speaking person. ( एक अंग्रेजी बोलने वाला व्यक्ति। )
- English-speaking. ( अंग्रेजी बोलना वाला। )
anglophone Example
- We often hear francophones singing for their supper in English, at least here in Quebec, but rarely do we get anglophone singers from Ontario trying their darnedest to sing in French.( हम अक्सर फ्रैंकोफोंस को अंग्रेजी में उनके समर्थक के लिए गाते हुए सुनते हैं, कम से कम क्यूबेक में यहां, लेकिन शायद ही कभी हम ओंटारियो से एंजेलोफोन गायक प्राप्त करते हैं जो फ्रेंच में गाने के लिए अपने प्रियतम की कोशिश कर रहे हैं।
- Such incendiary observations may have alarmed some anglophone New Brunswickers, and the 1967 results essentially reproduced those of the previous two provincial elections. ( इस तरह की अभेद्य टिप्पणियों ने कुछ एंग्लोफोन न्यू ब्रंसविकर्स को चिंतित किया हो सकता है, और 1967 के परिणामों ने पिछले दो प्रांतीय चुनावों के अनिवार्य रूप से पुन: पेश किया। )
- Those three anglophone thinkers each tried to provide a theory, right or wrong, to engage and elucidate some kinds of facts about human communication. ( उन तीनों एंग्लोफोन विचारकों में से प्रत्येक ने मानव संचार के कुछ प्रकार के तथ्यों को संलग्न और स्पष्ट करने के लिए एक सिद्धांत, सही या गलत प्रदान करने का प्रयास किया। )
- Her concern is with anglophone writing, and she carefully distinguishes between West Indian and Caribbean (and then moves gracefully between the two terms, with no quotation marks). ( उसकी चिंता एंजेलोफ़ोन लेखन के साथ है, और वह सावधानीपूर्वक वेस्ट इंडियन और कैरिबियन के बीच अंतर करती है (और फिर बिना किसी उद्धरण चिह्न के, दोनों शब्दों के बीच इनायत से चलती है)। )
- I'm really sick of these stations not supporting local anglophone artists, who have to leave the province and go to the States, become famous there, come back and only then receive airplay. ( मैं स्थानीय एंजेलोफोन कलाकारों का समर्थन नहीं करने वाले इन स्टेशनों से वास्तव में बीमार हूं, जिन्हें प्रांत छोड़कर राज्यों में जाना पड़ता है, वहां प्रसिद्ध हो जाते हैं, वापस आते हैं और उसके बाद ही हवाईजहाज प्राप्त करते हैं। )
- But some younger white South Africans, especially those from anglophone backgrounds with higher education, went searching for new identities, not least Australian, British, and Canadian. ( लेकिन कुछ छोटे सफेद दक्षिण अफ्रीकी, विशेष रूप से उच्च शिक्षा के साथ एंग्लोफोन पृष्ठभूमि से, नई पहचान की तलाश में गए, कम से कम ऑस्ट्रेलियाई, ब्रिटिश और कनाडाई नहीं। )
- Another option is that it's a somewhat sophomoric, eurocentric brand of feminism incapable, through its own misinformed liberalism, of recognising anyone other than white, anglophone males as the enemy. ( एक अन्य विकल्प यह है कि यह कुछ हद तक अदम्य है, नारीवाद का नारीवाद ब्रांड असमर्थ है, अपने स्वयं के गलत उदारवाद के माध्यम से, शत्रु के रूप में सफेद, एंग्लोफोन नर के अलावा किसी और को पहचानने में। )
More Sentence
- Coupled with the pressure many anglophone nurses face from the French language tests, it's small wonder that many of them would seek climes that are both literally and professionally warmer.
- Francophone interests trumped - and will always trump - anglophone interests.
- The second case took place in the 1950s, by which time the reformism of the 1930s had sunk into a stultifying coalition: francophone religious and political elites allied with anglophone elites in business.
- The current century is going to be the century of the global dominance of the English language, anglophone culture, and of the Anglo-Saxon derived polities - for both good and ill.
- Arguably, it's the spirit of Hume that prevails in anglophone philosophy today, where the standard atheist position holds that there is a substantial balance of proof against theism.
- The Gascon-Thomas Award, now in its 10th year, is always given to one francophone and one anglophone artist in recognition of a significant contribution to Canadian theatre.
- Although less well known among anglophone philosophers than his contemporary Hans-Georg Gadamer, Adorno had even greater influence on scholars and intellectuals in postwar Germany.
- In fact, anglophone residents from Ontario and New Brunswick would be more likely to meet francophones from Quebec in their own province of residence than westerners since these are the provinces Quebeckers are most likely to visit.
- Thus, anglophone scholars may read not only the ethnographic descriptions of the items exhibited, but also Sonia Silva's thoughtful essay about collecting and presenting basketry.
- Although many of the great minds of nineteenth-century anglophone culture had been fascinated by the French Revolution and Napoleon, interest lapsed during the first half of the twentieth century.
- Hatfield never managed to change the views of his party's anglophone supporters on language questions.
- You'll find an article featuring 19 francophone and anglophone performers musing about the relationship of spoken word to literature..
- Except for a smattering of third world authors we hear little of Commonwealth and other anglophone literatures, and even less of post-colonial literatures in translation, let alone entire courses devoted to them.
- Leong recalls his own recent staging of Molière's Le Malade Imaginaire, for the benefit of an audience of both anglophones and francophones.
- Francophones and anglophones had seemingly few grounds to distinguish between the two parties for most of this period.
- I console myself with the prose - not bad prose but pedagogic, over-correct prose - written by anglophones who have written French.
- Considering North American population demographics, common sense would dictate that the need to speak English is greater for francophones than the need for anglophones to speak French.
- In Quebec, the linguistic majority abuses the groups they call anglophones and allophones.
- However, her teenage coworkers marginalized her from contact with anglophones by not allowing her to interact with customers and by sending her off to sweep the floor while they chatted.
- But his vision continues to inspire Quebec anglophones .
- They went to a day-care where the caregivers were anglophones .
- It's largely the French that makes this city such an interesting place to live, despite the relative lack of decent jobs for anglophones and the trying winters.
- Having lived in 10 Montreal boroughs or neighbourhoods since I was born, I can honestly say that Verdun is not only the most bilingual area on the island, but also the one in which francophones and anglophones get along the best.