anecdote - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of anecdote in Hindi

  • उपाख्यान
  • छोटी सी कहानी
  • छोटी सी घटना का विवरण

anecdote Definition

  • a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person. ( एक वास्तविक घटना या व्यक्ति के बारे में एक छोटी और मनोरंजक या दिलचस्प कहानी। )

anecdote Example

  • The appeal of Resnick's account is enhanced by the lure of Bohemia, which he and Passlof enrich with anecdote and intertwine with aesthetics and social history. ( रेसनिक के खाते की अपील बोहेमिया के लालच से बढ़ी है, जिसे वह और पासलोफ ने किस्सागोई के साथ समृद्ध किया और सौंदर्यशास्त्र और सामाजिक इतिहास के साथ जोड़ा। )
  • His vision of the landscape was subjected to dreamy sentimentalism and romantic anecdote , rather than being acknowledged for its experimentalism and social content. ( परिदृश्य का उनका सपना स्वप्निल भावुकता और रोमांटिक किस्से के अधीन था, बजाय इसके प्रयोगवाद और सामाजिक सामग्री के लिए स्वीकार किए जाने के। )
  • The novel is packed with incident and anecdote and although mainly realist in style borrows some of the familiar techniques of Garcia Marquez's magic realism. ( उपन्यास घटना और उपाख्यान से भरा हुआ है और हालांकि शैली में मुख्य रूप से यथार्थवादी गार्सिया मार्केज़ के जादू यथार्थवाद की कुछ परिचित तकनीकों को उधार लेता है। )
  • I think this anecdote provides a good example of the limitations confronting a contemporary labour historian who is trying to provide the most honest, accurate account possible. ( मुझे लगता है कि यह उपाख्यान एक समकालीन श्रम इतिहासकार का सामना करने वाली सीमाओं का एक अच्छा उदाहरण प्रदान करता है जो संभव सबसे ईमानदार, सटीक खाता प्रदान करने की कोशिश कर रहा है। )
  • There is satire, particularly in the rather tedious Book II, but there is also all the wit, anecdote and engaging thought of good conversation. ( व्यंग्य है, विशेष रूप से बल्कि थकाऊ पुस्तक II में, लेकिन अच्छी बातचीत के बारे में सभी बुद्धि, उपाख्यान और आकर्षक विचार भी है। )
  • The distance between an amusing anecdote and thing that happened can be measured in kilometres. ( एक मनोरंजक किस्सा और बात के बीच की दूरी को किलोमीटर में मापा जा सकता है। )
  • Hearsay, anecdote and tall tales says that it is possible, that this is just words until it happens to you. ( हेयसे, उपाख्यान और लंबे किस्से कहते हैं कि यह संभव है, कि यह केवल शब्द है जब तक यह आपके साथ नहीं होता है। )

More Sentence

  • the use of inversions of hierarchy, anecdote, and paradox by Magritte, Dali, and others
  • his wife's death has long been the subject of rumour and anecdote
  • He was a huge fan of Dutch art, stuffed with incident and anecdote .
  • On the Web site, in the e-mails of targeted professors, one finds a whole fuzzy world of impression and anecdote , of passionate conviction and hurt feelings.
  • If we could keep to addressing the issues rather than dealing in personalities and anecdote , we probably stand a better chance of not getting moved to the Conversation, literally or metaphorically.
  • In art, the lure of anecdote always presents serious risks, and a good deal of nineteenth century American art succumbed to that drive to explain and amuse.
  • A pupil of Domenichino, he was most in sympathy with classical art, but he also appreciated the Baroque, and enriched his narratives with anecdote and vivid detail.
  • She suggests, more importantly, that public figures like Jonathan Clarke become more comprehensible when connected to domestic and personal memoir and anecdote .
  • Burns's handmade tableaux - in style and use of narrative anecdote - are similar to the work of fellow Houstonian, Bill Davenport.
  • Relying on argument or anecdote for their appeal, these books included only a handful of indifferently reproduced black-and-white plates.
  • Some ‘off licence’ indications are substantiated by some evidence, but its efficacy in several other conditions is based on anecdote and observations made in small numbers of patients.
  • I've made enough speeches to know that you're supposed to connect with the audience by telling a joke or a humorous anecdote or some amusing tale.
  • The story was based on an anecdote - a true incident that I had heard from Professor B. Buchshtab.
  • Natural healthcare tools have included the use of foods, herbs and remedies derived from nature, and their use has evolved independently in diverse cultures using both anecdote and experimentation.
  • 3 The form or ‘factitiousness’ of the anecdote provides the shape and the subjectivity of the account.
  • Bennett's memoir is full of crucial technical insights into Broadway and Hollywood practice, but by way of instructive anecdote rather than structured discussion.
  • There was no attempt to relate this experience to the architecture of the seven in any systematic way and Muthesius has to fall back on anecdote - to which I can add my penn'orth.
  • his wife's death has long been the subject of rumor and anecdote
  • This is staged documentary, its narrative gleaned from personal statements, in essence, a theatre of personal anecdote , performance art on an operatic scale.
  • Though it is an amusing anecdote , this detail touches on a small but potentially crucial peculiarity in the current international emergency.
  • Now, however, we can appreciate the subtlety and unexpectedness of his framing, and the complex interplay he so often achieves between anecdote and form.
  • The playwright had to approach the struggle to subdue the tangle of confusing anecdote knowing what lesson he wanted it to teach and prepared to discard, distort, and invent in order to present his own version of the meaning of history.
  • The train journey from London to the North is described not just a train journey but as a repository of stories and anecdotes .