amoeba - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of amoeba in Hindi

  • एक सलि का जन्तु
  • अमीबा

amoeba Definition

  • a very small living creature that consists of only one cell ( एक बहुत छोटा जीवित प्राणी जिसमें केवल एक कोशिका होती है )

amoeba Example

  • Does it not follow that if the evolution of amoeba to man is fact, then the development of primitive man to civilized man must be fact also? ( क्या यह इस बात का पालन नहीं करता है कि अगर अमीबा का मनुष्य के लिए विकास वास्तव में है, तो आदिम आदमी से सभ्य आदमी का विकास भी तथ्य होना चाहिए? )
  • If fewer genes meant more freedom, then we would have to say flies and amoeba have more free will than humans. ( यदि कम जीन का मतलब अधिक स्वतंत्रता है, तो हमें कहना होगा कि मक्खियों और अमीबा के पास मनुष्यों की तुलना में अधिक स्वतंत्र हैं। )
  • Pheromones are widespread in the animal world, from the single-celled amoeba to human beings. ( फेरोमोन जानवरों की दुनिया में व्यापक हैं, एकल-कोशिका वाले अमीबा से मनुष्य तक। )
  • Killing disrupts the great chain of being, the chain that started with amoeba and jellyfish and plankton. ( हत्या होने की महान श्रृंखला को बाधित करती है, वह श्रृंखला जो अमीबा और जेलिफ़िश और प्लवक से शुरू हुई थी। )

More Sentence

  • Contact lenses can cause conjunctivitis if they get contaminated with bacteria or, rarely, tiny creatures called amoeba .
  • There is the primordial sludge and then the more pristine amoeba .
  • It turns out that London looks like a huge glowing amoeba with tentacles.
  • Trichoplax is just two cells thick, has only four cell types and looks like a giant multicellular amoeba .
  • Cells make up every organic thing, from amoeba , to humans, to a flower.
  • But nobody thinks that plants enjoy being in the light or that amoeba prefer not to bump their heads or that my computer is having a hissy fit because it is hungry.
  • They are not known to be harmful or beneficial to human interests, apart from the affront felt by some at having an uninvited giant amoeba meandering about their gardens.
  • And, naturally, there would be variations from one amoeba to another, from one gazelle to another, and from one human to another.
  • Here I've been thinking what a wonderful guy he is and he actually considers me the lowest form of amoeba .
  • Spores germinate to give a haploid, mononuclear amoeba , which propagates by mitotic cell division.
  • We're just the current living and breathing end-product of a process that has been going on for thousands of years, stretching back through generations of family, all the way to monkeys and amoeba .
  • It's like some more or less liquid flow of amoeba , and no element within it touches another.
  • But the equality of death is something we share with the lowest plants, with amoeba and even with stars themselves.
  • Almost every species studied, from amoeba to man, exhibits some form of habituation when the stimulus is frequently repeated or constantly applied.
  • Careful retrospective review of the frozen section slides revealed profiles that were suggestive of but not diagnostic for amoeba .
  • It must have a flexible structure that can expand and change, in much the same way that an amoeba adapts to its environment.
  • In some simple organisms, such as amoeba , water is actively excreted from the cell in vacuoles.
  • Contact with protozoa, the tremendously varied group of more sophisticated single-celled microbes that includes amoeba and paramecium, has also been greatly reduced in the developed world by water and food treatment measures.
  • But in a case of symmetrical fission, as when one amoeba divides into two, there is no such fuzziness: the moment of separation is precise and the fission products are spatially disconnected from one another.
  • I want all of you to visualise in front of you, a bulbous amoeboid shape which has lots of curves on it, undulating curves.
  • To put this time span in perspective, two billion years ago our ancestors were microscopic single-celled amoebas .
  • Capable of ameboid movement, these cells wander throughout the connective tissue and congregate in regions requiring their specialized function.
  • Approximately a third of cases of dysentery were classified amoebic , a third as bacillary and the rest remained undifferentiated.
  • Old waves criss-crossed new waves creating a pattern of interwoven dark and light amoeboid forms which endlessly melted and re-emerged between the ripples.
  • Then, a bridge-like conjugation tube is formed to connect neighboring cells, and the amoeboid cells from one filament move over into the neighboring filament.
  • The patterns and motifs are highly complex, ranging from starbursts and amoebic shapes to flowers and birds.