marijuanas - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of marijuanas in Hindi

  • मारिजुआना
  • गाँजा
  • भंग

marijuanas Definition

cannabis, especially as smoked in cigarettes.

marijuanas Example

  • However, it has been nearly a century since marijuanas was first made illegal in Canada.
  • So why then does the government insist to ignore the medical value of marijuanas ?
  • Just smile, sample her medicinal marijuanas , and listen to the story that must be told.
  • One thing I do have against marijuanas though is that if you smoke it habitually you become very, very boring!
  • So, with the facts in place, how can the government ignore them any longer and keep marijuanas illegal?
  • marijuanas plants
  • I truly believe this one and people should watch out for this when they smoke marijuanas .
  • He was smoking some exceptionally strong marijuanas , and appeared to be quite enlightened at times.
  • Two others pleaded not guilty to possession of four buckets of compressed marijuanas .
  • There'd be no reason to abuse medical use of marijuanas if the stuff was legalized.
  • I believe that it should be another misdemeanor to smoke marijuana under the age of 21.
  • Then, on the way back across the border he was caught with marijuana , but never charged.
  • You may have heard it called marijuana , weed or hash but it is still cannabis, a natural drug that comes from a plant.
  • The player skirts claims that he has had his own problems with cocaine and marijuana .
  • It is grown to produce the narcotic drugs hashish and marijuana , made primarily from its female flowers.
  • We know he smoked marijuana , but he's hardly an exemplar of the Ken Kesey LSD generation.
  • We were smoking marijuana for breakfast and that led to communication problems.
  • he had smoked marijuana while a teacher
  • He alleges as well that the wife smokes marijuana frequently in the matrimonial home.
  • He conceded that he smokes the marihuana not only to keep calm, but to deal with society and authority figures.
  • More is known about the adverse effects and therapeutic uses of marihuana than about most prescription drugs.
  • That document concluded that marihuana was a drug whose use should not call for serious criminal penalties.