amnesty - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of amnesty in Hindi
- आम माफ़ी
- सर्व-क्षमा
- राज-क्षमा
- सर्वक्षमा
- सबकी माफ़ी
- क्षमाधान
- सार्वत्रिक रिहाई
amnesty Definition
- an official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offenses. ( राजनीतिक अपराधों के दोषी लोगों के लिए एक आधिकारिक क्षमा। )
- grant an official pardon to. ( के लिए एक आधिकारिक क्षमा करें। )
amnesty Example
- ‘He will be given an amnesty , pardoned, after being judged guilty,’ he told the newspaper during a recent visit to Rome. ( During हाल ही में रोम की यात्रा के दौरान उन्होंने अखबार को बताया कि उन्हें दोषी करार दिए जाने के बाद माफी, माफी दी जाएगी। )
- The four-week amnesty , involving all police forces in England, Scotland and Wales, to reduce the number of illegal guns in society was launched last week. ( समाज में अवैध बंदूकों की संख्या को कम करने के लिए इंग्लैंड, स्कॉटलैंड और वेल्स में सभी पुलिस बलों को शामिल करते हुए चार सप्ताह की माफी पिछले सप्ताह शुरू की गई थी। )
- Police are hoping people will take advantage of the amnesty to hand over weapons at stations before the penalties are made law. ( पुलिस उम्मीद कर रही है कि दंड कानून बनने से पहले लोग स्टेशनों पर हथियार सौंपने के लिए माफी का फायदा उठाएंगे। )
- Nonetheless, usage often views these terms as interchangeable, so that persons not yet tried are pardoned and prisoners serving sentences are granted an amnesty . ( बहरहाल, उपयोग अक्सर इन शर्तों को विनिमेय के रूप में देखता है, ताकि अभी तक कोशिश नहीं किए गए लोगों को क्षमा कर दिया जाए और सजा काट रहे कैदियों को एक माफी दी जाए। )
More Sentence
- Constitutionally, only the king can grant partial or complete amnesty to anyone convicted in Cambodia.
- Pressure was also brought by the newspapers and caused Parliament to vote for, in the name of the unity of France, an amnesty , which pardoned the 13 convicted Alsatians.
- The streets of south Essex could be rid of hundreds of firearms in a month-long amnesty to crack down on gun crime.
- And it comes after Greater Manchester Police recently announced their own plans for an amnesty to reduce firearms offences.
- No amnesty may be granted to him, nor can he be ransomed.
- Are aliens really visiting the Earth, and if so, should we amnesty them and give them vote?
- In Peru, as in other Latin American countries in which official violence was widespread, a sweeping amnesty law is still on the books.
- the government announced an amnesty on illegal weapons
- The month-long amnesty is being held to encourage people to hand in any illegally held firearms and ammunition without fear of prosecution.
- They were each sentenced to 29 years in prison but were released in 1992 as part of an amnesty granted to political prisoners, having served only five years of their sentence.
- the new law granted amnesty to those who illegally left the country
- Some members of York's criminal fraternity believed the temporary amnesty to be a ‘set up’ and that they would be arrested on sight, and would therefore not be attending.
- More than 1,000 weapons, including 450 guns, have been handed in during the amnesty , with more weapons still coming in to divisional police stations.
- However, there are no plans at this time to have an amnesty on illegal weapons.
- an amnesty for political prisoners
- The government is to discuss a general amnesty for prisoners convicted of crimes that might be politically motivated, a senior official said yesterday.
- The month-long amnesty for real firearms and other deadly weapons followed a successful two-month campaign to rid the streets of fake firearms.
- The weapons amnesty is receiving wide support.
- West Yorkshire Police have launched an amnesty on offensive weapons in the Wakefield and Pontefract areas.
- He immediately issued an amnesty for those convicted of or charged with political offences since October 1968.
- Ballistic bags will be provided at Bradford police stations during the month-long amnesty which is aimed at stemming Britain's growing illegal gun culture.
- A portion of the 500-plus people given advice can expect a phone call from the police in the next couple of weeks after the amnesty 's six-month trial period ended.
- Though the corrupt city councilors may get away from the penalty of the law in granting the amnesty , they cannot escape the punishment of the voters in the future.
- During the month-long amnesty , 95 weapons were dropped off in the first seven days followed by 222 in the second week.
- Thereafter, the Legislative Assembly granted amnesty for political crimes committed during the war.
- Six confessed militants who surrendered to authorities under a government amnesty in July have since been released.