amendment - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of amendment in Hindi

  • संशोधन
  • सुधार
  • दोर्षशोधन

amendment Definition

  • a minor change in a document. ( एक दस्तावेज़ में एक मामूली बदलाव। )

amendment Example

  • The problems have arisen out of a maze of interacting statutory provisions, which have been subject to frequent amendment . ( सांविधिक प्रावधानों की बातचीत के चक्रव्यूह से समस्याएं पैदा हुई हैं, जो लगातार संशोधन के अधीन हैं। )
  • It could be brought about only by way of Treaty amendment . ( इसे संधि संशोधन के माध्यम से ही लाया जा सकता है। )
  • What exactly were the lawsuits against which this amendment was being specially enacted? ( वास्तव में वे कौन से मुकदमे थे जिनके खिलाफ यह संशोधन विशेष रूप से अधिनियमित किया जा रहा था? )
  • Compost is organic material that can be used as a soil amendment or as a medium to grow plants. ( खाद एक कार्बनिक पदार्थ है जिसका उपयोग मृदा संशोधन के रूप में या पौधों को उगाने के लिए एक माध्यम के रूप में किया जा सकता है। )

More Sentence

  • they propose an amendment to the bill
  • I think the context makes clear what I had in mind, but if not, I offer this amendment as well.
  • The Administration supports this amendment and so should we.
  • There can be a further committee stage if this is required for further amendment to the legislation.
  • It provides a good usable soil amendment for the garden and is certainly much less expensive than peat.
  • Compost provides many benefits as a soil amendment , potting mix supplement and mulch.
  • By filibustering, senators attempt to prevent a vote on a measure or amendment .
  • Mr Lever submits that it is to be presumed that the amendment was intended to add something.
  • I am aware of members of my own congregation who would be adversely affected by this amendment .
  • You can use the grindings for mulch, or let the pile compost for use later as a soil amendment .
  • The court observed that a new claim is not made by amendment until the pleading is amended.
  • This key amendment was defeated, leaving words in the Act that must be given meaning.
  • Since no such amendment has passed, we can't be sure what the consequences would be.
  • Mr. Madison conceived this to be the most valuable amendment in the whole list.
  • Bishop Nigel McCulloch was travelling to London to support an amendment to the higher education bill in the House of Lords.
  • The amendment does not add to those reservations, I think it is significant to note.
  • Not enough people in Michigan understood the consequences of passing that amendment .
  • Take a good look, not just at the content of this amendment , but also at the way it is written.
  • They say they will settle for nothing less than an amendment to the legislation.
  • he sought an amendment to his contract
  • The proposed amendment is to add a claim for wrongful dismissal and breach of contract.
  • It is encouraging that we have gained some concessions, but more are needed, such as a joint committee and amendment of key words in the bill.
  • I have not received a request for amendment from any attendee.
  • There is absolutely no purpose in the law and in reality for this amendment .
  • an amendment to existing bail laws
  • she marked the text for amendment