alphabet - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of alphabet in Hindi

  • वर्णमाला
  • लेख
  • वर्ण-क्रम
  • वर्णाक्षर

alphabet Definition

  • a set of letters or symbols in a fixed order, used to represent the basic sounds of a language; in particular, the set of letters from A to Z. ( एक निश्चित क्रम में अक्षरों या प्रतीकों का एक सेट, जिसका उपयोग किसी भाषा की मूल ध्वनियों का प्रतिनिधित्व करने के लिए किया जाता है; विशेष रूप से, A से Z तक के अक्षरों का समूह। )

alphabet Example

  • the Roman alphabet ( रोमन वर्णमाला )
  • The phonetic alphabet is almost as hard to master as the new language itself. ( ध्वन्यात्मक वर्णमाला लगभग उतनी ही कठिन है जितनी नई भाषा। )
  • a phonetic alphabet ( एक ध्वन्यात्मक वर्णमाला )
  • A four-letter alphabet might seem a rather limited system for writing complex messages. ( एक चार-अक्षर वर्णमाला जटिल संदेश लिखने के लिए एक सीमित प्रणाली लग सकती है। )

More Sentence

  • In two or three months, all you get is a brief idea of the alphabet of a language.
  • Each cell is blank or contains one symbol from a finite alphabet of symbols.
  • Did I know that the place has not only its own language but its own alphabet ?
  • Mrs Sulley taught me the letters of the alphabet and the sounds they represented.
  • Czech is one of a group of Slavic languages that use the Roman rather than the Cyrillic alphabet .
  • DNA's 4-letter alphabet
  • This is the musical alphabet from which the language of music ultimately is derived.
  • the first letter of the alphabet
  • The flags are held, arms extended, in various positions representing each of the letters of the alphabet or numbers.
  • I used to try and cram the whole twenty-four letter alphabet into one little symbol.
  • Chinese does not have an alphabet , but characters representing words, formed from stokes symbolising syllables.
  • For the present we are concentrating on ciphers where the basic symbols are the letters of the English alphabet .
  • Thai is a tonal language, and its alphabet is derived from Mon and Khmer scripts.
  • The odd bit is that English is harder to read than any other language using the alphabet .
  • If we assign numerical values to the alphabet in order, the letters HUM added together would yield 42.
  • Castle painstakingly inked real and altered alphabets; alphabets that look letterpressed, so finely are they executed.
  • Different languages have different alphabets ; different cultures use different calendars.
  • When learning to read, many preschool age children recognize letters in alphabets (or characters in non alphabet languages) long before they are able to read.
  • Modern scientific studies find that only the brain's left hemisphere is active in speaking foreign languages made up of alphabets .
  • We created fonts for the alphabets of both languages so that the letters were defined using the same basic components (vertical, diagonal, and horizontal lines).
  • The curve of the exterior wall is dressed in gray granite on which the alphabets , hieroglyphs and symbols of over 120 languages are etched.
  • Languages have alphabets , or character repertoires, but computers deal with digits.
  • Female nudes that appear repeatedly in his works, both paintings and sculptures, are not erotic; they are alphabets for a powerful political statement.
  • Thuriam's Medical coding consists of combination of numbers and alphabets adhering to different coding standards.
  • These deals allowed Asians to use their own languages and alphabets , rather than numbers or English, when surfing the web.