allowable - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of allowable in Hindi

  • स्वीकार्य
  • अनुमोदन के योग्ये

allowable Definition

  • allowed, especially within a set of regulations; permissible. ( अनुमति, विशेष रूप से नियमों के एक सेट के भीतर; अनुमेय। )
  • (of an amount of money) not considered as income for tax purposes. ( (एक राशि का) कर उद्देश्यों के लिए आय के रूप में नहीं माना जाता है। )

allowable Example

  • Worse, the nuclear reactor installation was done poorly, exposing the engine crew to five times the allowable annual dose of radiation. ( इससे भी बदतर, परमाणु रिएक्टर की स्थापना खराब तरीके से की गई थी, जो इंजन चालक दल को विकिरण की स्वीकार्य वार्षिक खुराक से पांच गुना अधिक थी। )
  • Washing machines with the Energy Star designation are 50 percent more energy efficient than the current minimal allowable standard. ( एनर्जी स्टार पदनाम वाली वाशिंग मशीन वर्तमान न्यूनतम स्वीकार्य मानक की तुलना में 50 प्रतिशत अधिक ऊर्जा कुशल हैं। )
  • The company has 5,000 of other business expenses, all allowable for Corporation Tax purposes. ( कंपनी के 5,000 अन्य व्यावसायिक व्यय हैं, जो निगम कर उद्देश्यों के लिए सभी स्वीकार्य हैं। )
  • The key to the water resources plan for the Condamine-Balonne is a 10 per cent reduction in allowable water harvesting during environmentally important flows. ( Condamine-Balonne के लिए जल संसाधन योजना की कुंजी पर्यावरणीय महत्वपूर्ण प्रवाह के दौरान स्वीकार्य जल संचयन में 10 प्रतिशत की कमी है। )

More Sentence

  • Carry back is also useful for people seeking to boost their pension who will contribute the maximum amount allowable in one tax year.
  • In an honest attempt to fund their retirement accounts, many individuals contribute amounts in excess of the allowable limits.
  • He said the Government had offered them the maximum rates allowable .
  • Any type of target archery arrow is allowed up to the maximum allowable size of 9mm diameter.
  • An angular interval between prescribed two of the at least three identification elements indicates a maximum allowable rotational speed of the rotor.
  • Here, its application is intended to provide the information necessary to define maximum, allowable levels of mercury in Everglades food webs.
  • A fees officer scrawled "not allowable " next to it.
  • Higher rate taxpayers should get pension tax relief of 42 per cent on these sums up to the maximum relief allowable .
  • Advertising costs and the legal cost of drawing up rental leases are also allowable as deductions.
  • Financial support, and changes in USDE guidelines in allowable expenses, could also be extremely important in minimizing student attrition.
  • The baler density setting should be set to its maximum allowable position.
  • Members should be aware that all expenditure incurred in deriving exempt income will not be an allowable deduction.
  • According to the Costs Grid, an hourly rate of up to $400 is allowable for costs on a substantial indemnity scale.
  • This year the two companies will fish their given quotas out of the 195 000 total allowable catch.
  • By contrast, the retributive theory places strict limits on the allowable punishment.
  • John would know exactly the parameters on what would be allowable .