allergy - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of allergy in Hindi

  • एलर्जी
  • तीव्र प्रतिक्रिया
  • तीवग्राहिता
  • चिढ़
  • प्रत्यूर्जता
  • एलर्जी॔

allergy Definition

  • a damaging immune response by the body to a substance, especially pollen, fur, a particular food, or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive. ( एक पदार्थ, विशेष रूप से पराग, फर, एक विशेष भोजन, या धूल के लिए शरीर द्वारा हानिकारक प्रतिरक्षा प्रतिक्रिया, जिसके लिए यह हाइपरसेंसिटिव बन गया है। )

allergy Example

  • It started as a kind of allergy to the ways of their political elders, expressed at first in hard and unsubtle language. ( यह अपने राजनीतिक बड़ों के तरीकों के लिए एक तरह की एलर्जी के रूप में शुरू हुआ, पहली बार में कठिन और असंतुलित भाषा में व्यक्त किया गया। )
  • Your body develops an allergy from continued exposure to a specific substance. ( आपका शरीर एक विशिष्ट पदार्थ के निरंतर संपर्क से एलर्जी विकसित करता है। )
  • A common skin symptom of a food allergy is hives, or raised red itchy bumps on the skin. ( एक खाद्य एलर्जी का एक सामान्य त्वचा लक्षण पित्ती है, या त्वचा पर लाल खुजली वाले धक्कों को उठाया जाता है। )
  • A food allergy occurs when the immune system mistakenly believes that a harmless substance is harmful. ( एक खाद्य एलर्जी तब होती है जब प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली गलती से मानती है कि एक हानिरहित पदार्थ हानिकारक है। )

More Sentence

  • Liberals also need to get over their allergy to the cleanest form of energy, nuclear power.
  • How they choose to let this affect their vote is a bit tricky, given the Right's new allergy to popularity.
  • So, tell us Ihar, when did you first notice your allergy to the definite article?
  • their allergy to free enterprise
  • Drug allergy is a hypersensitivity reaction to therapeutic agents.
  • You may not be able to prevent having a food allergy , but you can avoid having an allergic reaction.
  • Symptoms of a food allergy usually develop within about an hour after eating the offending food.
  • Cayce's literal allergy to logos and brands makes her particularly well-suited to her work.
  • Well, Pete, this is a little tricky, and anyone with even a mild allergy to stats should look away now.
  • The college lecturer had insisted that he had had a genuine cough caused by a combination of hay fever and a dust allergy .
  • I want to return for a moment to your comment earlier about your allergy to literary gangs.
  • Or they could have a combination of any of these with a severe allergy to math tables.
  • Reassure patients with a food intolerance that they do not have a food allergy .
  • Our data may shed light on the role of diet in the allergy and asthma epidemic.
  • Now, he's back with two films, both of which underline his allergy to pigeonholing.
  • I still work in feet and inches and have a confirmed allergy to all things computerised.
  • What do you make of this allergy to the past that is especially strong in business?
  • If they achieve support because of their allergy to ID cards, then many people must have a lot to hide.
  • Contact with even small amounts of some substances can cause skin allergies .
  • Avoid things that trigger your child's asthma, such as allergies and breathing in cold air.
  • Kids who get eczema often have family members with hay fever, asthma, or other allergies .
  • It's a common myth that dairy foods contribute to allergies such as hayfever, but it's just that, a myth.
  • Some people who have food allergies find that certain foods will trigger eczema.
  • People with allergies, such as hayfever or animal allergies , often get asthma.
  • Nobody knows how many people in Britain have food allergies , but up to a third of the population think they do.
  • Symptoms of mild food allergies , such as a rash or runny nose, may be treated with antihistamines.