alive - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of alive in Hindi

  • जिंदा
  • सजीव
  • फुरतीला
  • जीवित
  • सचेत
  • अस्तित्वमय
  • क्रियाशील
  • परिपूर्ण
  • जागत्क

alive Definition

  • (of a person, animal, or plant) living, not dead. ( (किसी व्यक्ति, पशु या पौधे के) जीवित, मृत नहीं। )
  • (of a person or animal) alert and active; animated. ( (किसी व्यक्ति या जानवर के) सतर्क और सक्रिय; एनिमेटेड। )
  • aware of and interested in; responsive to. ( के बारे में पता है और में रुचि रखते हैं; के लिए उत्तरदायी।
  • swarming or teeming with. ( के साथ झुंड या तमीज़। )

alive Example

  • These events help to keep the Community Games alive , your support is appreciated. ( ये आयोजन सामुदायिक खेलों को जीवित रखने में मदद करते हैं, आपके समर्थन की सराहना की जाती है। )
  • But when you are perched high atop it all, the beauty really comes alive . ( लेकिन जब आप ऊंचे स्तर पर होते हैं, तो यह सब वास्तव में जीवंत हो जाता है। )
  • Paris comes alive in this writer's pages in highly personal ways. ( पेरिस इस लेखक के पृष्ठों में अत्यधिक व्यक्तिगत तरीकों से जीवित है। )
  • It is a gifted novelist, indeed, who can make ordinary events come alive , and who can interest the reader in ordinary, even dull, characters. ( यह एक प्रतिभाशाली उपन्यासकार है, वास्तव में, जो सामान्य घटनाओं को जीवंत बना सकता है, और जो पाठक को साधारण, यहां तक कि सुस्त, पात्रों में दिलचस्पी ले सकता है। )

More Sentence

  • And embodied in all of this, central to all of this, is a tradition that you keep alive , that you continue, that you believe in - the hunt.
  • There is, after all, no real bipartisan support or substantial public outcry keeping the bill alive .
  • It cannot be determined, however, whether those animals were alive or dead at the time of the bite.
  • An intense research spirit is still alive , if not continentally disseminated.
  • We know that the embryo is alive , not dead or inanimate.
  • The parents who had come to visit the school were equally appreciative of the effort the staff had made to make the day come alive for the children.
  • Even when pigs are alive they aren't revered as the smartest animals.
  • The idea is that history should come alive for the pupils rather than them merely seeing or being told about things that happened from books.
  • Open air, under a darkening Delhi sky, is an extraordinarily effective setting in which to watch 200 years of history come alive .
  • A wide range of subjects come alive on the canvas exhibited here.
  • The river is where much of Southeast Asia comes alive , so expect to see children frolicking, men cormorant fishing and women washing and cooking in the shallows.
  • Brown comes alive as he talks of the Romantic poets and their exploration of what it means to be British.
  • How could I be so callous when the poor creature was still alive ?
  • Coetzee has obviously immersed himself in his adoptive hometown, and the city comes alive in all its banal, suburban Australianness.
  • The weaving in her hands comes alive , binding into everything, coiling into the souls of men, tying the whole picture together.
  • There are thousands of animals and plants alive today that are no different from the way they appear in the fossil record!
  • They took these two streams of European thought, froze them in time, and kept them alive in their purest form until today.
  • The cultural text remains alive and continues to speak in a discourse of oppression.
  • ‘His horses are alive and beautiful because they were in his soul,’ he once wrote.
  • If he gets enough support to stay alive until South Carolina votes, then he may yet win the White House.
  • The bill has kept the issue alive on Capitol Hill, but has gotten little support among federal lawmakers.
  • Teams want to help keep Joel's memory alive by continuing his work, and the response really has been something else.
  • He also hopes shoppers will keep Cheam alive by supporting the local economy in the face of growing development.
  • A look at the distribution of the major groups of plants and animals alive today is instructive.
  • Nowadays, advertiser support and critical success can keep a show alive , especially if there's no viable replacement.
  • Supporting these talented young artists will help keep creativity alive in high schools and colleges around the country.