alchemy - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of alchemy in Hindi

  • रस-विधा
  • कीमिया
  • रसायन विज्ञान
  • रसायनशास्त्र
  • कीमियगीरी

alchemy Definition

  • the medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter. It was concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold or to find a universal elixir. ( पदार्थ के कथित परिवर्तन के आधार पर, रसायन विज्ञान के मध्ययुगीन अग्रदूत। यह विशेष रूप से आधार धातुओं को सोने में बदलने या एक सार्वभौमिक अमृत खोजने के प्रयासों से संबंधित था। )

alchemy Example

  • Ashmole was fascinated by magic, alchemy and astrology, and befriended many astrologers regardless of political allegiance. ( ऐशमोल जादू, कीमिया और ज्योतिष से मोहित था, और राजनीतिक निष्ठा की परवाह किए बिना कई ज्योतिषियों से मित्रता करता था। )
  • Like astrology, knowledge of alchemy filtered into medieval Europe through Moorish centres of learning in Spain. ( ज्योतिष की तरह, कीमिया के ज्ञान ने स्पेन में सीखने के मूरिश केंद्रों के माध्यम से मध्ययुगीन यूरोप में छान मारा। )
  • The elements of the alchemy that turned the Kings into a postseason success story have to be in place again if they are to build on their spring fling. ( कीमिया के तत्व जो किंग्स को पोस्टसन की सफलता की कहानी में बदल देते हैं, उन्हें फिर से अपनी स्प्रिंग फ्लिंग पर बनाना होगा। )
  • Played out in the corridors of Connaught Place and Kolkata, the story captures the alienation and fragmented reality of urban life through an imaginative alchemy of text and image. ( कनॉट प्लेस और कोलकाता के गलियारों में खेला गया, कहानी पाठ और छवि की कल्पनाशील कीमिया के माध्यम से शहरी जीवन के अलगाव और खंडित वास्तविकता को पकड़ती है। )

More Sentence

  • finding the person who's right for you requires a very subtle alchemy
  • But Carruth manages a rare alchemy by combining an intricate plot and technology that's both specific and vague enough to seem plausible.
  • With Eizan, the alchemy of elegance is still alive, and in his best work, properly produced, he can cast a magic glow over the forms of the world and create lightness and grace.
  • Even doctors got their start in witchcraft - using alchemy , spiritual healing, and healing by deities.
  • As Shakespeare, in Julius Caesar, reminded us, the evil that men do lives after them, and, try as we might, we cannot always find the alchemy to make the painful consequences of that evil go away.
  • In addition, the authors offer the psychology of miracles, alchemy , ESP, Nazi occultism, Gnosticism and UFOs as instruments of alternative belief in modern times.
  • The very greatest pianists possess, by some alchemy which combines technique with some unknown elements, a personal sound which is easily recognizable.
  • The idea of transmutation through alchemy was one that was taken quite seriously and Dee was granted special rights far beyond someone of his standing.
  • As she explained it, ‘The artistry of the kitchen appealed to me as much as the alchemy .’
  • occult sciences, such as alchemy and astrology
  • Green Magick uses more trees and plants, while Red Magick uses alchemy and astrology for its references.
  • These resources have shown more resistance to time and, although the alchemy may seem difficult, its results are richer.
  • Though Berridge's approach seems casual, his results are pure alchemy .
  • A further compilation of ancient texts concerning astrology, magic and alchemy was the Hermetica, written in Alexandria around 100 AD.
  • Breaking the water into V-shaped ripples, the dories achieve a visual alchemy seen nowhere else.
  • So, through the process of the alchemy of our planet, the black coal is compressed into the multifaceted crystal that shines the colors of black through its [it's] prism.
  • Newton devoted long years of research to the ancient mysteries of alchemy and how base metals could be turned into gold.
  • Cash, an intensely introspective son of a mill manager, was obsessed with how the alchemy of class, race, and gender combined to forge the southern character.
  • A true military intellectual, he gave expression to the ideas of the late humanists and was an enthusiastic student of the occult, alchemy , and natural magic.
  • His interests extended to an enthusiastic study of mathematics, the natural sciences, and studies of alchemy and natural magic.
  • A transaction designed to achieve that fiscal alchemy is not a trading transaction.
  • Treatises on mathematics, music, astronomy, alchemy , medicine, jurisprudence, as well as studies on Athenian judicial terminology and on the topography of Athens. [5.]
  • Witness their enthusiasm for UFOs as opposed to scientific cosmology, for alchemy instead of chemistry, for urban legends instead of hard news.
  • Now, Gilles was a practitioner of alchemy and attempted to find the infamous philosopher's [philosophers] stone.
  • The symbolism is not accidental: the importance of the sun in astrology clearly parallels the exalted position of gold in alchemy .
  • But it no more belongs in a biology class than alchemy belongs in a chemistry class, phlogiston in a physics class or the stork theory in a sex education class.