air force - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of air force in Hindi
- वायुसेना
air force Definition
- the branch of a nation's armed services that conducts military operations in the air. ( एक राष्ट्र की सशस्त्र सेवाओं की शाखा जो हवा में सैन्य संचालन करती है। )
air force Example
- The armed forces consist of an army, a navy, a coast guard, and an air force . ( सशस्त्र बलों में एक सेना, एक नौसेना, एक तट रक्षक और एक वायु सेना शामिल है। )
- This discounted the ability of the Allied air force and navy to isolate and attack the islands, one by one. ( इसने मित्र देशों की वायु सेना और नौसेना को एक-एक करके द्वीपों को अलग करने और हमला करने की क्षमता में छूट दी। )
- In 1944, the R.A.F. became the first air force to use jet aircraft on operational service. ( 1944 में, आर.ए.एफ. परिचालन सेवा पर जेट विमान का उपयोग करने वाली पहली वायु सेना बन गई। )
- As commander of the air force , he has access to military secrets and information. ( वायु सेना के कमांडर के रूप में, उनके पास सैन्य रहस्यों और सूचनाओं तक पहुंच है। )
More Sentence
- It is the only airbase in Britain where pilots for the air force and Navy are trained.
- However, he had no direct control of either the air force or the navy.
- The air force and navy were considered primarily as adjuncts to the army.
- His uncle is retired from the air force , and his step-father was in the army.
- It is thought the aircraft continued its journey without further incident and was not forced to land by the Russian air force .
- He said there was no army coming, not by foot anyways, until the air force is done with it.
- It needs to be if we are to remain the air force to which nobody else comes close.
- The troops, the air force and navy, did all that bravery and devotion to duty could do.
- Nigeria's military consists of an army, a navy, an air force , and a police force.
- The demand is a result of lessons that the air force has learned from fighter plane crashes over the past three years.
- Converting the entire army or the entire air force to information warfare is a major task and can wait.
- That was why they had to come with their army, their air force and their navy.
- We did not form large military sectors so that the air force did not cause massive losses.
- There was a huge evacuation, the army, the air force and the navy were all involved.
- If the army and navy are in poor condition, the air force is possibly in worse state.
- Massive manhunt operations are under way involving not only police but also the navy and the air force .