auditor - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of auditor in Hindi
- लेखा परीक्षक
- ऑडिटर
- आडिटर
auditor Definition
- a person who conducts an audit. ( एक व्यक्ति जो एक ऑडिट आयोजित करता है। )
- a listener. ( एक श्रोता। )
auditor Example
- He stressed that the accounts have been audited internally, are open to public inspection and will be assessed by an external auditor . ( उन्होंने जोर देकर कहा कि खातों का आंतरिक रूप से ऑडिट किया गया है, सार्वजनिक निरीक्षण के लिए खुले हैं और बाहरी ऑडिटर द्वारा मूल्यांकन किया जाएगा। )
- The decision to appoint an external auditor for the bank is the mandate of the board of governors, a body superior to the board of directors. ( बैंक के लिए बाहरी लेखा परीक्षक नियुक्त करने का निर्णय बोर्ड ऑफ गवर्नर्स का होता है, जो निदेशक मंडल से बेहतर निकाय होता है। )
- I sat in my auditor 's seat listening to her. ( मैं अपने ऑडिटर की सीट पर बैठकर उसकी बात सुन रहा था। )
- Also gone are the days when the external auditors may perform the internal audit function. ( वे दिन भी गए जब बाहरी ऑडिटर आंतरिक ऑडिट फ़ंक्शन कर सकते हैं। )
- American lawyers say that it is almost impossible to sue external auditors for the debacle. ( अमेरिकी वकीलों का कहना है कि पराजय के लिए बाहरी लेखा परीक्षकों पर मुकदमा करना लगभग असंभव है। )
More Sentence
- For example, auditors study internal audit reports and results to determine areas for audit emphasis as well as potential cost savings.
- Investigators are reported to have documents in which company managers and external auditors allegedly drew the attention of the management board to the property valuations.
- To render speedy audit services to the City Government under the auditorial jurisdiction of this office.
- He has ordered government auditors to conduct a study on the use of secret funds and report findings by year end.
- The auditors have also informed the council they will be arriving to go through the accounts of the charter celebrations.
- It remained liable for the monitoring of the company, even when external auditors were appointed.
- Frequently lacking any background in finance and accounting, these directors were rarely in a position to challenge management or external auditors .
- Not just for accountants but for managers, auditors , share-holders and company directors, the world is now a different place.
- The quality of the information is based on the board asking the right questions of the external auditors , hence the need for qualified financial experts.
- Companies are hiring outside auditors to investigate whether abuses occurred in any of their funds.
- Far from merely scrutinising financial operations like external auditors, internal auditors look at the broader picture too.
- The independence rules require that auditors refrain from investing in companies that they audit, to ensure objective, truthful reporting and opinion.
- It buys you a moment to get used to being on stage, it gives you a chance to speak out loud and to steady your voice and it establishes a relationship with the auditors .
- Governors will in future directly appoint and manage external auditors on fair trading, rather than through an Executive department.
- External auditors are barred from consulting work.
- The principal question for determination by the learned trial judge was whether the inquiry by representatives of Revenue Canada was auditorial or investigatory in nature.
- The internal audit committee must agree with the appointment of external auditors .
- The Companies (Auditing and Accounting) Bill would require more exacting scrutiny by auditors and accountants.
- More than ever, external auditors will be conducting their examinations with an extra dose of professional scepticism.
- However, the specific divisions must compulsorily be present in the auditorial report.
- Submit to the Unit Auditor copy of all contracts within five days for legal and auditorial review.
- Dublin City Council's auditors are conducting a study on how much taxi drivers are losing.