aggressive - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of aggressive in Hindi
- आक्रामक
- क्रोधी
- आक्रमणकारी
- लड़ाका
- आक्रमणशील
aggressive Definition
- ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression. ( हमला या सामना करने के लिए तैयार या संभावना; आक्रामकता से उत्पन्न या जिसके परिणामस्वरूप। )
aggressive Example
- Facing the most aggressive and competitive media in the world, spin is vital. ( दुनिया में सबसे आक्रामक और प्रतिस्पर्धी मीडिया का सामना करना, स्पिन महत्वपूर्ण है। )
- There is no evidence of any self harm or of threatening or aggressive behaviour towards others. ( किसी भी तरह के आत्महत्या या धमकी देने या दूसरों के प्रति आक्रामक व्यवहार का कोई सबूत नहीं है। )
- She had found it very difficult to manage his behaviour as he was aggressive and violent towards him. ( उसने अपने व्यवहार को प्रबंधित करना बहुत मुश्किल पाया क्योंकि वह उसके प्रति आक्रामक और हिंसक था। )
- More important than everything, the most aggressive driving force of her life. ( सब कुछ से अधिक महत्वपूर्ण, उसके जीवन की सबसे आक्रामक ड्राइविंग शक्ति। )
More Sentence
- No, they've generally evolved past that sort of aggressive territorial behaviour.
- Police used CS gas on the brothers, but they continued their aggressive behaviour.
- Like Johnston, who handled the Palmer account for so long, he is a loyal and aggressive employee.
- The deals were part of Shell's aggressive expansion in the energy trading business.
- In others, there appears to be no sanctions on loud aggressive and inconsiderate behaviour.
- Traders said aggressive selling from an American bank had also helped push the gold price lower.
- P&G has made an aggressive push into the women's beauty business buying Clairol and Wella.
- Unless you are allowed to be a bit aggressive and competitive then you stand no chance of been able to get on in life.
- They were facing increased competition from a host of new and aggressive retailers.
- He added that it was only a minority of drinkers causing the violent and aggressive behaviour.
- We cannot judge how likely it is that aggressive treatment would have succeeded.
- His aggressive behaviour on remand had led to the imposition of disciplinary sanctions.
- She's assertive, aggressive , totally on top of her game and yet what happens to her is absurd.
- He said the dog had not displayed any more aggressive behaviour since it had bitten Mrs Royle in January.
- The Telegraph makes an aggressive argument for an end to appeasement in the Middle East.
- Too often they are becoming excuses for aggressive , even threatening behaviour.
- Anonymous comments are more likely to be aggressive , disruptive or even dishonest
- I think Brian had an aggressive strategy and it really did pay off big time.
- One of their sons received cuts and bruises and when he came home his behaviour was very aggressive .
- They may also explain why men are more likely to become aggressive when drunk.
- With our very aggressive strategy, running sixth on the road was a disaster
- It finds that men with a record of aggressive behaviour have more helper and inducer T cells.
- In that role, HP paraded Elias about as part of an aggressive storage push at the company.
- Competition doesn't get much more aggressive than in the Scottish newspaper arena.
- Sony Music Europe has taken the most aggressive anti-piracy stance in the business.
- When the midges are at their most aggressive , their attacks are worse than any snow or rain.