affront - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of affront in Hindi
- अपमान
- प्रत्यक्ष अपमान
- निरादर
- तिरस्कार
- तिरस्कार करना
- अपमानित करना
affront Definition
- an action or remark that causes outrage or offense. ( एक ऐसी कार्रवाई या टिप्पणी जो आक्रोश या अपराध का कारण बनती है। )
- offend the modesty or values of. ( विनय या मूल्यों का अपमान। )
affront Example
- privilege publicly worn is an affront to democracy ( सार्वजनिक रूप से पहना जाने वाला विशेषाधिकार लोकतंत्र का एक प्रतीक है )
- It was an affront to the English language and an offence against all educated people. ( यह अंग्रेजी भाषा और सभी पढ़े-लिखे लोगों के खिलाफ एक अपराध था। )
- His ideas are obviously foolish, easily disproved, an affront to any reasoning person. ( उनके विचार स्पष्ट रूप से मूर्खतापूर्ण, आसानी से अस्वीकृत, किसी भी तर्कशील व्यक्ति के प्रति एक घृणा है। )
- At the time she said the ad was not intended to cause offence and described the ban as ‘absurd and an affront to the British sense of humour’. ( उस समय उसने कहा था कि विज्ञापन को अपराध का कारण नहीं बनाया गया था और प्रतिबंध को 'बेतुका और ब्रिटिश भावना के साथ टकराव' के रूप में वर्णित किया गया था। )
More Sentence
- The Foreign Affairs spokesman said this attempt to bypass the people would be an affront to democracy.
- The conduct that has come to light is an affront to the most basic standards of morality and decency.
- Articles of this sort are an affront to those who died.
- All, however, recognized that it was an affront to academic freedom and a violation of faculty autonomy.
- ‘Homelessness in all its forms is an affront to social justice,’ he said.
- This is not simply an affront to the detainees, but to all of us.
- Excluding an individual on the basis of marital status or sexual orientation is an affront to that person's dignity.
- We weren't the least bit insulted at such an affront to our then easy going, leisurely ways.
- he took his son's desertion as a personal affront
- To say so would be an affront to the overwhelming majority of conscientious people of both communities.
- I don't consider an insensitive person who won't pick up after their dog an affront to my personal beliefs.
- Limits upon personal freedom and choice are an affront to all that is sacred.
- It is an affront to normal, decent, peace-abiding people of the civilised world.
- the sackings were an affront to justice
- A political programme that erodes human dignity is an affront to all of us, and deserves condemnation from every pulpit in the land.
- The fence itself took less than three minutes to come down as people attacked what was widely perceived to be an affront to freedom of assembly and speech.
- It is an affront to anyone with any sense of human dignity and common decency, regardless of where they stand on the issue.
- That the power to deny anything from occupying city land rests in the hands of city hall is an affront to the real owners of that land - the people who live in the city.
- His no-show for any reason other than a personal trauma is a disgrace and an affront to local democracy.
- It wasn't bad quality football that I feared, but the vocal opinions of those affronted by coverage of women playing a ‘man's’ game.
- ‘It's actually a caramel mocha, to be precise,’ she corrected, looking rather affronted by my attitude.
- We have returned submissions of animals rampant affronty for exactly this reason; barring evidence of sejant erect affronty being depicted in this manner, we must return this for a redraw.
- She thought maybe the shocked silence that followed affronted Lily more than any response would have.
- Jack spun round, affronted by this assault on his dignity.
- Some were affronted that he brought into daylight memories best elided.
- He said he was affronted at suggestions he could have been responsible for the leak.