adore - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of adore in Hindi

  • प्यार करते हैं
  • पूजा करना
  • अधिक प्रेम करना
  • बहुत प्रेम करना
  • आदर-सत्कार करना
  • बहुत चाहना
  • आराधना करना

adore Definition

  • love and respect (someone) deeply. ( प्यार और सम्मान (कोई) गहराई से। )

adore Example

  • We do better to adore the mysteries of Deity than to investigate them. ( हम देवता के रहस्यों को जानने के लिए उनकी जांच करने से बेहतर है। )
  • For me, it's the chance to worship Mary and adore her as the Creator of Almighty God that is so appealing. ( मेरे लिए, यह मैरी की पूजा करने और उसे सर्वशक्तिमान ईश्वर के निर्माता के रूप में निहारने का मौका है जो इतना आकर्षक है। )
  • This is why many of us when we come to India, have difficulty with the way Hindus adore Gods in the forms of statues. ( यही कारण है कि हम में से कई जब हम भारत आते हैं, तो जिस तरह से हिंदुओं ने मूर्तियों के रूप में देवताओं को पसंद किया है उससे कठिनाई होती है। )
  • He's only 24 and throws the kind of bone-crushing punches that fans adore . ( वह केवल 24 साल का है और प्रशंसकों को पसंद आने वाले हड्डी-कुचलने वाले घूंसे को फेंकता है। )

More Sentence

  • Despite being released by Carlisle United, the city's football fans still adore the shot stopper.
  • ‘They want something to love and babies adore you,’ she said.
  • For your resurrection that sets us free, I worship and adore you.
  • Most Hindus revere and adore the many manifestations of the Divine as Siva, Vishnu, Rama, Krishna or Durga even as they focus on an ishta devata, a favorite Deity.
  • Since his death, Eddie Cochran's popularity has spread beyond the fans who remember his hit records, but also to a new army of younger rock'n'roll fans who adore his music.
  • Fans will adore it, everybody else, make up your own mind.
  • Worship and adore the Guru, the Perfect True Guru, and all your sinful residues shall be dispelled.
  • In the US, there's a lot of people who love and adore her, but equally there are probably those that don't like her.
  • Being omnipresent, you are constantly watched by those who adore you, worship you and serve you.
  • In worship we adore the Triune God of creation and redemption and He gives Himself in the fullness of grace to His people.
  • If it is to fasten attention on God and to adore and praise Him and have communion with Him, it is obvious the worship must be God-centered.
  • The ball flew 60 yards, Ronaldo about 30, after the sort of challenge that English crowds adore as much as a clever flick.
  • We love and adore Elizabeth, and she's doing very well right now.
  • ‘Spirit’ refers to the motive and driving energy which inspires and compels people to adore deity.
  • Sully could see that the soul and heart and person behind those eyes loved him, adored him…
  • ‘For another day or two,’ Joey replied, smiling at her adoringly .
  • I'm still not a huge fan, but Per adored it and wants me to make it all the time now.
  • He sits for the longest time watching me while I try and gaze adoringly at the canvas.
  • Go to Christ's cross, and trust in him; then, and not till then, will you be capable of adoring the most High God in a style in which he can accept your worship.
  • As much as he's passionate about swimming, he also loves the feeling of being adored by female fans, and winning.
  • While the people who saw him when he was first born adored him, their love for him has become so much greater now that he's developed his own personality.
  • So many Christian visions of heaven, in art and literature, portray angels and saints doing nothing but adoring and praising God's name.
  • The choreography required him to roll on the floor at a time when fans adored his high leaps and sparkling technique.
  • Along with the Vedas, Upanishads, and the Brahma Sutras, the Gita is adored as the most important scripture of ancient India
  • And Amonte's new team, the Blackhawks, played to adoring capacity crowds every night in one of the grand old shrines of the NHL.
  • At least two adorers should be present for the chosen hour - more would be welcome.