admirable - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of admirable in Hindi
- सराहनीय
- प्रशंसनीय
- अनुपम
- अत्युत्तम
- सराहने योग्य
- श्रेय
admirable Definition
- arousing or deserving respect and approval. ( सम्मान और अनुमोदन के लिए उत्सुक या योग्य। )
admirable Example
- The initiatives taken by a number of villages that were badly hit by the tsunami is admirable . ( सुनामी से बुरी तरह प्रभावित कई गाँवों द्वारा की गई पहल सराहनीय है। )
- Everyone agreed that Bryan Singer had done an admirable job in bringing the Marvel comic to the screen. ( हर कोई इस बात से सहमत था कि मार्वल कॉमिक को पर्दे पर लाने के लिए ब्रायन सिंगर ने सराहनीय काम किया है। )
- This will make an admirable temporary fence and I will have various uses for the mesh once it has done the job on the fence. ( यह एक सराहनीय अस्थायी बाड़ बना देगा और बाड़ पर काम करने के बाद मेरे पास जाली के लिए कई उपयोग होंगे। )
- In this admirable system, one ranks the candidates in order of preference. ( इस सराहनीय प्रणाली में, कोई वरीयता के क्रम में उम्मीदवारों को रैंक करता है। )
More Sentence
- She clearly had to struggle to force herself on at times; and that, in my opinion, is admirable .
- There is something admirable about her toughness - it's gutsy rather than selfish.
- Here they reproduced that result with great quality and admirable bravery.
- Good on you, Mr Daly - let's hope that others hasten to follow your admirable example.
- A dog, for all its admirable and unique qualities, is not a human being and is not treated in the law as such.
- With the admirable exception of the health services this has occurred in the past.
- There is a plethora of admirable precedents to this form of conservatism.
- But then I find myself asking why competition is seen as such an admirable quality.
- After this admirable book, the reader can return to listening to Strauss with added enjoyment.
- They were vulnerable and needed special care and I have no doubt that much of what you did for them was admirable .
- For all of Matthew's admirable qualities, he had one heartbreaking imperfection.
- They demonstrated an admirable grasp of the first rule of business: adapt to survive.
- I laid out all that I find admirable in a working mixed-economy social democracy.
- It is admirable that she has made her opinion known regardless of what the implications may be.
- Celibacy is something many have to face for various good, sometimes admirable , reasons.
- One admirable attempt to this end has been that of the British Government.
- As usual, the Chorus and Orchestra of Opera North were well up to the mark and were admirably conducted by David Parry.
- On the day itself my three team mates ran admirably and set me up perfectly.
- Both the lead characters were well drawn and admirably played by consummate actors.
- The sixth class team also acquitted themselves admirably , securing gold in the team event.
- I observe how my Korean friends very admirably take care of their parents in many different ways.