adhere - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of adhere in Hindi
- पालन करना
- अनुसरण करना
- दृढ़ रहना
- चिपकना
- लग जाना
adhere Definition
- stick fast to (a surface or substance). ( (एक सतह या पदार्थ) के लिए तेजी से छड़ी। )
adhere Example
- As an independent practitioner, it is incumbent on you to keep up to date with nursing standards and to adhere to current practices and guidelines. ( एक स्वतंत्र व्यवसायी के रूप में, नर्सिंग मानकों के साथ अद्यतित रहना और वर्तमान प्रथाओं और दिशानिर्देशों का पालन करना आप पर निर्भर है। )
- For example, if caulking is installed when the temperature is too cold, it will not properly adhere to surfaces. ( उदाहरण के लिए, यदि तापमान बहुत अधिक ठंडा होने पर caulking स्थापित है, तो यह सतहों पर ठीक से पालन नहीं करेगा। )
- You will need to use a melamine primer on the doors, so that the new paint will adhere to the surface, then choose new handles. ( आपको दरवाजों पर एक मेलामाइन प्राइमर का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता होगी, ताकि नया पेंट सतह का पालन करे, फिर नए हैंडल चुनें। )
- Someone needs to audit doctors to determine how well they adhere to best practices. ( किसी को यह निर्धारित करने के लिए डॉक्टरों का ऑडिट करने की आवश्यकता है कि वे सर्वोत्तम प्रथाओं का कितना अच्छा पालन करते हैं। )
More sentence
- paint won't adhere well to a greasy surface
- You may follow any road your mind wishes to follow or adhere to the teachings of any guide or guru.
- the people adhere to the Muslim religion
- Farmers are urged to adhere to good agricultural practices in the disposal and spreading of agricultural wastes such as slurry.
- They have to believe that we, rather than some distant authority, adhere to high standards - and practice what we preach.
- To find even a single disciple who would accept and adhere to such stringent conditions appears impossible.
- Neither can I conclude that even a failure to adhere to good practice necessarily equates with maladministration.
- We don't adhere closely to it, rather in the name of goodwill we have a tendency to overlook most of the criteria and refund within much wider limits.
- If it's plastic or metal, you'll need to spread a dulling compound, designed to help paint adhere to slick surfaces.
- Some spiders have another seeming superpower: an ability to adhere to sheer surfaces, even when upside down.
- The industry's strategy is to adhere to the facts and procure accurate information from third party experts.
- I do not adhere to any organized religion
- The association also holds cat shows and judges them based on how closely they adhere to the standards.
- A paint's ability to adhere to a surface will vary with the type and quality of resins it contains.
- Warm temperatures are also necessary so the caulk will set properly and adhere to the surface.
- Failure to adhere to safe working practices in the laboratory can quickly result in serious injuries or incidents.
- Dust films are a light powder of clay and silt-sized particles that adhere to rough surfaces and rock fractures.
- This ability to adhere to surfaces is lost when an insect's feet become covered in particles.
- However, most phone companies adhere to good practice and inform councils when masts are being installed.
- His affinity with his subject, though, is one that conversely makes him adhere to the facts.
- On the inner elements, it is necessary for the tape to adhere to the surface in order to damp out vibrations.
- It was important to adhere to best practice and follow the highest international standards.
- This CD was produced by the composer, so I suppose the performances adhere closely to his wishes.
- Certainly, playing on a collegiate team isn't easy, requiring a student to adhere to a rigorous practice and study schedule.
- Once sprayed with water, the gecko was unable to adhere to the surface.
- This trade body has a code of practice for members to adhere to, but it is a toothless watchdog with limited powers.