acronym - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of acronym in Hindi
- परिवर्णी शब्द
- लघु रूप
- संक्षिप्त रूप
acronym Definition
an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g., ASCII , NASA ). ( एक संक्षिप्त नाम अन्य शब्दों के शुरुआती अक्षरों से बनता है और एक शब्द के रूप में उच्चारित किया जाता है (जैसे, ASCII, NASA)। )
acronym Example
- The word laser is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. ( लेज़र शब्द विकिरण के उत्तेजित उत्सर्जन द्वारा प्रकाश प्रवर्धन के लिए एक संक्षिप्त रूप है। )
- I've reduced this heavy string of words to its acronym because it has a pleasing Latin sound and neatly wraps the whole shebang in one small package. ( मैंने शब्दों के इस भारी तार को अपने संक्षिप्त रूप में कम कर दिया है क्योंकि इसमें एक आकर्षक लैटिन ध्वनि है और एक छोटे पैकेज में बड़े करीने से लपेटता है। )
- Take the first letter of each concept, and make a fun acronym out of the letters. ( प्रत्येक अवधारणा के पहले अक्षर को लें, और अक्षरों से बाहर एक मजेदार संक्षिप्त वर्णन करें। )
More Sentence
- In some cases the letters S-U-M-O are an acronym for something else altogether.
- Finally we reach the last letter in the acronym , which is ‘T’ for transformation.
- Abbreviations and acronyms should be employed in a variety of forms.
- It is tempting to build in successive layers of meaning and symbols that derive from acronyms .
- An SKU, for those uninitiated in Intel three letter acronyms , is a stock keeping unit.
- The glossary is especially beneficial in the era of ever-increasing medical terms and acronyms .
- A list of abbreviations, acronyms , and symbols that should not be used also should be available.
- Although I'm heartily sick of three letter acronyms , NBA sounds impressive.
- Business Link says the ICT marketplace is full of confusing acronyms , terms and ever-changing technologies.
- It's generally accepted that you can use acronyms and abbreviations without explanation, where the term is well known by the audience.
- It's now perfectly acceptable to lowercase a company name, for example, and to create words out of acronyms .
- In official language, this occurs through the use of technical terms - acronyms and jargon.
- IT departments became very male places, and the techies traded acronyms and buzzwords to determine their position in the hierarchy.
- It has a glossary of acronyms , 2 pages of hints and tips and a step by step guide to using the computer software.
- There were also plenty of acronyms whose definitions were not just different versions of the same term.
- A whole language of abbreviated words and acronyms has developed with the huge popularity of the text message.
- I would like future writers to create new compound words and acronyms .