absolutely - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of absolutely in Hindi

  • पूर्ण रूप से
  • नितांत
  • निश्चित रूप से
  • पूर्णतया

absolutely Definition

  • with no qualification, restriction, or limitation; totally. (कोई योग्यता, प्रतिबंध, या सीमा के साथ; पूरी तरह से।)
  • independently; not viewed in relation to other things or factors. (स्वतंत्र रूप से; अन्य चीजों या कारकों के संबंध में नहीं देखा गया।)

absolutely Example

  • In my opinion, there was absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to sharpen up a skill. (मेरी राय में, एक कौशल को तेज करने की इच्छा के साथ कुछ भी गलत नहीं था।)
  • you're absolutely right (आप बिल्कुल सही कह रहे है)
  • She took a piece of dead skin off her nose and then concluded the look was absolutely perfect. (उसने अपनी नाक से मृत त्वचा का एक टुकड़ा लिया और फिर निष्कर्ष निकाला कि यह लुक एकदम परफेक्ट था।)

More Example

  • Of course, the fact that they're giving away two free tickets to the Jazz Festival to each new customer who transfers has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with it at all.
  • There is absolutely no risk whatsoever to Anthony.
  • Yes, we certainly do need to try to change New Zealand's culture of binge drinking - absolutely !
  • Today, America's production of world wealth, both absolutely and relatively, is accelerating.
  • And I have absolutely no quarrel whatsoever with how well, Steve, you performed your duties.
  • This play, despite having virtually no words, and absolutely none spoken by the central character, is one of the most moving things I have seen in ages.
  • she's absolutely entitled to the land
  • Scotland coach Matt Williams is absolutely right in restricting the selection of the national rugby team to home players.
  • I can assure all the people in Pennsylvania these allegations are absolutely , totally and unequivocally false.
  • I needed to talk with someone who was very smart, someone who I absolutely trusted, someone who knew me as well as I knew myself.
  • Certain decisions are absolutely correct and understandable at the time of their making.
  • The reaction of racegoers in Chicago was absolutely disgusting and totally uncalled for
  • I thought this was a very well done program and in my opinion there is absolutely no issue at all about taste or decency, it was a factual program on at a late hour.
  • As we were fairly centrally positioned, about two thirds of the way back on the main floor, we now had an absolutely excellent close-up view of the band.
  • Unless you were listening to Today on Radio 4 this morning, just as I was, you probably have absolutely no idea whatsoever.
  • It was about a half a mile downhill, with an absolutely beautiful view of the countryside, although it was always a bit harder to get back up again after a few pints.
  • They trust you absolutely and all responded in different ways.
  • But even if such programs should not be absolutely excluded, a strong case can be made for a ban on them at least for now.
  • 'She's very clever.' 'Oh, absolutely.'
  • She stressed that the trust was absolutely committed to not using more beds for private healthcare than it could reprovide elsewhere.
  • They alone must decide if they will abide totally and absolutely by the Mitchell principles.
  • Looking around me, I finally believed the boy's words totally and absolutely .
  • Doris was an absolutely delightful and totally wonderful person.
  • we're absolutely delighted
  • I absolutely refused to do it
  • It is absolutely imperative in my view that every family that reads this message takes the bad news seriously and prepares for a long siege.
  • Placed neatly between Tobermory and Dervaig, right on Loch Frisa, Achnadrish House boasts absolutely cracking views.