yeast - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of yeast in Hindi

  • ख़मीर
  • किण्व

yeast Definition

  • a microscopic fungus consisting of single oval cells that reproduce by budding, and are capable of converting sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide. ( एकल अंडाकार कोशिकाओं से बना एक सूक्ष्म कवक जो नवोदित द्वारा पुन: उत्पन्न करता है, और चीनी को शराब और कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड में परिवर्तित करने में सक्षम होता है। )

yeast Example

  • Drosophila strains were maintained on standard cornmeal / yeast / sugar and agar media.
  • Yeasts are single-celled plants which utilize sugar in building new yeast cells.
  • Alcohol is chock full of sugar, and sugar causes yeast infections in many people.
  • One of the key ingredients in a home-baked loaf apart from yeast , flour, salt and water - is time.
  • I heard and watched the students grasp the understanding of how yeast absorbs sugar.
  • In yeast breads, use a bit more yeast or let the dough rise longer.
  • Not yet available in the market, this bread is made of naturally fermented rice starter dough with no artificial yeast or preservatives added.
  • Some faulty wines undergo a secondary fermentation in the bottle, due to a small amount of yeast and sugar left inadvertently in the wine.
  • The yeast uses this sugar in the same way it uses the glucose in white sugar.
  • When you come back to your experiment, you'll notice that yeast cells do a really good job of creating carbon dioxide.
  • This bottle-conditioned ale contains live yeast which allows the beer to develop in the bottle.
  • As beer brewers do with yeast , the Wiandts drop bits of mycelia into a malt sugar solution.
  • That sugar reacts with the live yeast to produce more carbon dioxide.
  • The first breakthrough came when Paul Nurse found a yeast gene that controlled the division of yeast cells.
  • Their attempts to genetically engineer spider silk relied on the use of bacterial, yeast , or plant cells.
  • Place water, honey and yeast in the food processor and leave until frothy, about 10 minutes.
  • That's because when there are sufficient nutrients available, normal yeast reproduces asexually.
  • The results described above suggest that anesthetics may inhibit yeast cell division by decreasing amino acid import.
  • For the last ten years, like a lump of bread dough without yeast , our consumption rates have refused to rise.
  • This evolutionarily maintained mechanism has been detected from yeast to mammalian cells.
  • When it came time to bake bread, a cup of this live culture would be added to the dough to provide the yeast needed to leaven the bread.
  • The box contains all the ingredients, like the grape juice concentrate, yeast , and stabilizing agents.
  • They were raised on standard cornmeal medium supplemented with live yeast .
  • They are distributed not only in higher plants but also in algae, yeast , and cyanobacteria.
  • Added to selective breeding is another step, another human act, that of using yeast to raise the bread or ferment the wine.
  • The inclusion of yeast results in fermentation and causes the dough to rise, if it is left in a warm place.
  • To make the dough, blend the yeast with 4 tbsp water at body temperature.
  • Each pack contained flour, sunflower oil, sugar, haricot beans, rice, salt, noodles, yeast , and canned food.
  • Like with Mac's in Nelson, there's the pungent, delectable smell of yeast and fermentation.
  • Vitamin C has been shown to increase the activity of specific white blood cells that ingest and destroy bacteria, yeast and certain cancerous cells.